Monday, May 17, 2010

Eggless Cheesecake Recipe

singing - Katy peva! Good bye ...

Sometimes Katy remembers being just a little girl and decides to put aside the rock and electric guitars, abandoning himself to singing the songs of his favorite cartoons with his beloved dinosaurs: "In search of true enchanted" (definitely for the kids)!
In the video, its execution of the song titled "Always there" (in a decidedly interpretation "opera")!


sometimes try to remember that Katy was still just a small girl, and so leave the side of rock music and electric guitar and leave the singing children's songs from your favorite cartoon with dinosaurs (The Land Before Time)! On the video one of her "operatic" interpretation of the track is called: "Always there" ("semper you")!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Forging Community Service Hours

diaper! - Good bye ... Pelen!

E dire che si ... c'è l'Abbiamo proprio made !
the threshold of his 30.esimo month of life, May 3, 2010, Katy has officially abandoned the diaper,
preferring panties hello kitty!
Fashion has won against the convenience of carefree pee!
night, for caution, the diaper back, but everything tells us that there may not need because the baby wakes up on time they should go to the bathroom to do his need!
fact, and we believe that once it gets wet at night than during the day while you are engaged in a game or maybe watching a cartoon!
The greatest need (as early as January or so) he did so without problems on his cup, the problem was just pee, but now I can say it was over too.
next goal, to teach it to stay in bed, alone in her room ... and here I see a bit more complicated.


And ... ism from BiH rekla konačno uspeli! Na dan svog 30-og mesec Zivot, trećeg maja 2010, je Katy zvanično napustila Pelen, preferirajući Gacic Hello Kitty!
Fashion won against the convenience and hassle free urination! At night, just in case, diapers come back, but everything suggests that perhaps there is no need for a little wake up on time and looking to go to the bathroom to do your need! In fact, the safer it will be upiškiti in shorts when the day is busy watching cartoons or playing, but at night!
makes for great (but since January approximately) there was no problem, always nice looking to go to the bathroom, the problem was just pee, but now I can say that this is overcome.
next goal is to learn to sleep in a bed, alone in my room ... but I'm sure it will be a little more complicated.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New Dragon Ball Z Doujinshin

Little girls love dress - Male devojcice Vole haljinice

Ieri è stato una giornata di pacchi become. Uno lo spedito and, con grande piacere in Inghilterra (un quadretto venduto) e altro è arrivato per noi, anzi per la Katherine, dalla mia zia carissima di Vienna.
Non riseco neanche a descriverli la gioia della bambina (e anche la mia!) quando ha visto tutte quelle cose colorate che ho tirato fuori dalla scatola...le maghettine, calzini, abitini...sembrava di stare in un negozio!
Lei ha voluto subito provare i suoi nuovi vestitini e io con la grande gioia lo fotografata, la mia piccola modella!


Juce je stigao paket od moje drage tetke iz Beca, pokloni za Katarinu. Nemogu da nadjem reci da opisem koliko je bila radosna ( a i mama isto!) kada je videla sve te divne stvarcice, maicice i haljinice He immediately wanted to try it and I took the opportunity to photograph my little model!