Friday, July 30, 2010

When Will The Infiniti G Change

"Prima Donna" on Typhon Web

of Mariangela Di Stefano for Tifeo Web

seems Gabry is living a dream and this dream speaks with Wonder Woman. Yes, that's the perfect woman and the super powers with the right answer at the right time. But are memories that are mixed with fears the reality of what is happening to a body that until just before surgery has never expressed his personalità.Giustina Porcelli in his "First Woman", published by Morellini Publisher, debut novel by the writer in the field of fiction, tells the difficult path of a transsexual. It does this by giving the story to the dreams of which marked the half-sleep of quell'anestesia that will achieve the dream of forever Gabry that will change sex and the woman will be as it always desiderato.E always belong to the dreams, the faces, Gabry hear those words when speaking with Wonder Woman, but in fact draw a hard and painful way to get desiderato.Gabriele to that intervention has always lived in a village in the south, at every stage of his life associated with a different name. It 's like every year, named in the name, the character ascended a step to its realization. By Gabriel Lele, by Gabrielle Gabry, going through all those people that somehow contributed to what is now this woman is. Giustina Porcelli tells a true story. Tell us about the difficulty of being accepted in a society where homosexuality is still stigmatized, where men who dress up are considered almost the jokes of nature and therefore deserve all the possible harm from the people who make fun of loro.Eppure Gabry, with its dreams, focuses on the life of a person made of hope and suffering, of betrayal, but most large sentimenti.Giustina Porcelli, born in 1974, is an illustrator, screenwriter and scriptwriter for comics. With Morellini publisher has published "101 reasons not to stop looking Beautiful" and "How to learn to say NO ... and live better."

( woman on the bed, 2007, oil on canvas of Pina Scoloperto )

Electronic Buzzer Chime


Hello Justine, I have to say that the book
me just hit, but it probably would never have bought if I had not seen him in person at the Book Fair in Turin.
I said to myself: one can only write so well, I really have to read his book, and I did not know quite what I had written!

I tried (with difficulty), I bought it, I read the back cover e. .. I was dumbfounded: the theme did not convince me, I felt the story could be at risk melodrammone short, if I had met on the counter of a bookstore I would never have bought. But then I read e. .. surprise!

One of the best books I've read in 2010, written well, who knows how to laugh and move without becoming melodramatic. I especially liked the parts box with Wonder Woman during l'operazione e la parte di Gabriele bambino. Anche io, come qualcun altro, ho trovato che la parte di Isabella prendesse un po' troppo spazio nella narrazione, ma il finale lo giustifica.
Complimenti e spero di leggere qualcosa d'altro. Presto.


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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Motion Detection Laser Lights

Yoga for everyone! - Yoga za sve!

This video is a few months ago (early May I think, was still a bit freschino), but I could not post before because I had (not me, but my husband's "technical" for details) to convert the format of the audio problems. Is finally ready and I can show the Katy 30 months to his second lesson (home-DIY) Yoga! Just a pity that we stopped it, the mother is impigrita ... mea culpa!


This video is from a few months ago (May month, it seems to me). I could not publish it earlier because we had problems with sound. Now that my husband changed the video format everything is working properly and can finally show you Katy with 30 months on his second (domestic) glass of yoga! Too bad only because we stopped doing that - because the mom getting lazy ... mea culpa!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Can I Substitute Ricotta Cheese For Cream Cheese

Our first time ... - Nas prvi put ...

... al mare! Niente parole,soltanto qualche foto.

Srpski: moru! Nista reci,samo koja slika.