Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Motion Detection Laser Lights

Yoga for everyone! - Yoga za sve!

This video is a few months ago (early May I think, was still a bit freschino), but I could not post before because I had (not me, but my husband's "technical" for details) to convert the format of the audio problems. Is finally ready and I can show the Katy 30 months to his second lesson (home-DIY) Yoga! Just a pity that we stopped it, the mother is impigrita ... mea culpa!


This video is from a few months ago (May month, it seems to me). I could not publish it earlier because we had problems with sound. Now that my husband changed the video format everything is working properly and can finally show you Katy with 30 months on his second (domestic) glass of yoga! Too bad only because we stopped doing that - because the mom getting lazy ... mea culpa!


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