Monday, August 23, 2010

Wholesale Kitchen Towels In Chicago

the duties and pleasures

In recent days we have made several trips by car, for more duty than pleasure, of course, But we tried to have fun anyway. The trip to Rome, after the August holiday was nice, because in that week and Rome is virtually deserted with no traffic jams and fast score, a wonder!
We were in the Serbian embassy to re-do the passport for the child after a year of waiting was not ready (for various problems-them) and so we had to go back to doing it all over again! Do not even tell you our anger, we say only that one year that we can not travel and we also missed the trip with his grandparents in Serbia this summer, a huge disappointment for everyone, above all for the grandparents. Now it seems that everything should be fine and we are left only to wait another month ( or two) to take this blessed passport!
In return we have decided to stop at Ikea, to the delight of Katarina (and mine, I'm going to buy: carpets, curtains, duvet cover and various accessories for the kitchen (say it!). To our surprise it seemed that all remaining residents in Rome were the very (that's why the streets were empty!), parking was not to pay the gold and the interior was so many people that I swear I had not seen even on the streets Jubilee! However, this still had not discouraged me to buy what I decided!
Day after we went to Terni to make an application for citizenship in the prefecture Italian. Now, if all goes well (and do not see why it should not go, because we have all the necessary requirements), in about two years become Italian citizens! Cross your fingers!


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