Saturday, October 30, 2010

1 Seat Dune Buggy Plans

Risotto rosso (radicchio trevigiano, cipolla Tropea, pancetta dolce and almonds)

I honestly do not know if it's the season for these ingredients because this tasty risotto and delicate at the same time, I prepared more than a month ago. For now, then do not go often to the grocery store so I do not know more so if the red onion and radicchio are still on the market. It deals with my husband because I do not have breast Aurora's David that I claim all its own ... I do the recipe the same place because it is still really good.

For two people I did simmer in a saucepan half a red onion (it was big enough) in extra virgin olive oil with two tablespoons of bacon sweet and then I blew half radicchio cut into strips and blended with half a glass of red wine.

I then blew up the rice in the sauce and added warm water little by little ... to cook

I finally Serve with a sprinkling of almonds. What you see it is not cheese. This time, despite being a risotto, I never used to leave all the sweetness of the dish ...

As you can see my posts are always very concise yet

:-) See you soon!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cellular Respiration Lab 5 Answers

Pink Ribbon Campaign-October months of prevention ... The stylish

"La Campagna Nastro Rosa ideata nel 1989 negli Stati Uniti da Evelyn Lauder, Presidente di Estée Lauder Companies, nasce con l’obiettivo di ampliare la cultura della prevenzione nel campo della salute, in particolare si propone di sensibilizzare le donne sulla necessità di sottoporsi ad
opportuni esami per prevenire il tumore del seno.

Dagli Stati Uniti la Campagna viene “esportata” in tutto il mondo: nel mese di Ottobre vengono realizzate diverse attività per rendere visibile ed efficace il messaggio sull’importanza vitale della prevenzione e della diagnosi precoce dei tumori della mammella, informando il pubblico femminile anche sugli stili di vita sani da adottare e sui controlli diagnostici da effettuare.

Pink Ribbon Campaign in Italy, is 17 years from the fruit of an important collaboration between Estée Lauder Companies and the Italian League Against Cancer, for almost 90 years involved in health promotion and dissemination of proper culture of cancer prevention. "
Spread the word!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Buy Airsoft Parts Canada

"Prima Donna" and other stories at Clairvaux (An)

Library Jiminy Cricket, in collaboration with the literary circles of Monte San Vito and the association The dream of one thing presenting First Woman , 101 Reasons not stop looking and Beautiful How to learn to say NO. .. and live meglio .

Sabato 23 Ottobre
Libreria Il Grillo Parlante, ore 18.30
Via Verdi 66, Chiaravalle (An)

Conversazione semiseria con Giustina Porcelli, autrice di 101 Motivi per non smettere di guardare Beautiful e Come imparare a dire NO... e vivere meglio (Morellini Editore) e di Beautiful La storia completa (Giunti Editore)

Centro Turistico Carlo Urbani, ore 21.00
Via Gramsci, 2 Monte San Vito (An) 

Incontro con Giustina Porcelli, autrice de La Prima Donna (Morellini Editore), un romanzo coraggioso e intenso, che ispirandosi a una storia vera, si interroga e ci interroga sull'identità di genere e i suoi aspetti sociali. E' un libro che ci aiuta ad uscire dai luoghi comuni e a confrontarci con l'anima, i desideri, le paure, i sogni di una persona vera.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

2 Stage Regulator For Gas Logs


Ho appena finito il tuo libro. 
Non avevo mai affrontato un argomento del genere, e non credevo di potermi immedesimare così a fondo con la protagonista. Mi è piaciuta much part of the dialogue with Diana Prince. I would recommend it. When's the next?


Friday, October 15, 2010

Mac Everyday Minerals Color

"Prima Donna", "101 Reasons" and "DDNO" at Trade Fair in Milan

First Woman , 101 Reasons and DDNO Fair in Milan.
Saturday, 17.30 Bars with the author. Entrance Gate
Scarampo (Viale Scarampo, MM Lotto, Milan)

you look! Giustina

Friday, October 8, 2010

Imagenes De Dragon Ball Dt

classes Paola! - Lekcije style!

I've been busy and I have not even had time to brag a little!
I have won the first stage of the competition of Paola, for those who do not know this and the link of his blog:
and I invite you to attend its lessons in style!
are "lessons" funny and very useful in the life of a woman! Come there! This is my set and winning the explanation of Paola because I won (thanks Paula, do not know how this was good for my morale at this time:))
the first posto ( 10 punti e un accessorio vintage ):
Snezana, con questo set.
Ha saputo mescolare elementi molto informali - come l' abito beige un po' da giorno - con accessori che lo arricchiscono senza esagerare. Il risultato e' un look informale ma sfizioso, adatto ad una cena tra amici in cui e' corretto non essere troppo appariscenti, ma nemmeno anonime. Bellissima la borsa e mi piace l' idea della giacca di pelle con i sandali.
L' accostamento del beige e del maculato con le s carpe blu elettrico e' molto carino e azzeccato.
Vince lei perche 'ha been left mischiato ed con i colori senza strafare . Il look non e 'propriamente that sera ma, essendo una cena tra amici informação, va bene. "

E questo e il mio bellissimo premio:


If you are interested in lessons of style, come to the site: the lessons from Paola. Unfortunately only the italiujanskom but perhaps with google provodiocem can to understand, but it has a lot of pictures with combinations of clothing so that this in itself explains a lot.
After every three or four lessons Paola gives assignments and I am the winner of the first round! This is my set up and what are lower earrings vintage that I won the first place! Nice is not it!
where you can see more of my creations!
PSVec have so little time and now I get infected with the combination of fashion, where we will be the end?:)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Flavour Metal Core Breakage Breaking

"The immunological socalizzazione!" - "Imunološka socijalizacija!"

... Cioe, la con socializzazione and germi! E quello che we are experiencing these days!
Going to kindergarten is important for children to socialize with other human beings, but especially for "meeting the child's body (the immune system) which is intended to defend it, with bacteria and viruses" (G.Ferrari- The happy child, DeAgostini)
After a week of school in the Katy earned a bad cold, but that does not bother us, the common cold happens to everyone, but going forward became a cold sore 'ears.
A scream of pain that wakes us up in the middle of the night and makes us feel (for the first time I have to say) the experience of racing at the ASL of the zone in search of night duty doctor! Day after we a jump from our pediatrician (who does not see well from 10 months, to our joy), and now he prescribes an anti-inflammatory ... the child begins to feel better but no fever for 5 days and then goes back to the doctor and take the antibiotic. The child begins to feel good now and two days after the reference to the asylum. This
believe because he had never abused the medication, the effect of the medicine was immediato.Ora not want to say I'm against drugs, for heaven's sake, when it takes it takes, but I was always careful and I like to do things course possible (that is, before going to the doctor, we were treated with sciroppini and homeopathic drops, and I say we cared for even I was wrong!) Believe me, but too bad ... I do not remember when was the last time I felt so, with bone pain in the muscles to stretch hanging by the throat and stomach!
Time has passed and now we are facing again the usual problems with asylum, in practice, we do a kind of replacement, seen for several days before the child went home, had also forgotten where that went! It is not easy, but I'll tell you one more time ....

Srpski ....

tekst uskoro .... ....