Thursday, September 30, 2010

Schools George Crum Attended

Page 18

goose or a dove?
Who laid the egg cosmogony?
symbol of rebirth and regeneration, many myths rely on the creation of the universe to an egg, the cosmic egg.

the first time in my life that I had an egg hocucinato just over eight years and was an evening of ottobre.L 'I did for Dad. Cook an egg, it seemed the easiest thing Delmondo. The hen alone had the hard part, had already mescolatotutti ingredients. I just had to crack the shell and pour the contenutoin a greased pan. After that first time I learned a lot of things: If I took iltuorlo broke a wooden spoon and scrambled everything. Seriman full put the lid on and red when it became spegnevola pink flame. If I overdo it rests on an filaefondi elasciavo slices that melted. Do not forget the salt, that's all.


Postcards of 1904, made in France

posted on

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Can You Pay To Get Into Atlantis


First Woman Giustina Porcelli, Morellini Editor is a powerful novel: a kaleidoscopic history that literally explodes from the hands. If the book comes near the eyes to look inside, you are catapulted into a world where love shines in its many facilities. And, as Justin says, whatever the container is shaped to give us the light that shines in the bottom of my heart. The author tells us, without false modesty life, dreams and nightmares of Gabriel, a guy who wants to be a woman in southern Italy of the 80s. Gabry that with courage, fighting for the right to happiness and love. Written with a brilliant prose, interspersed with great insights and episodes of brutal realism, does not hide behind the "easy pieces", but tells the story with relentless frankness.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bronze Eagle Paintball Gun

"Prima Donna" (not only) on "Done"

Giustina prophet in his own
of Francesco Martucci for the Done

The Porcelli spoke of the book "The Prima Donna" Open Source, where he was also the guest cartoonist Alberto Ponticelli.

The previous issue of "the fact" we had almost call. And she was not coming. Back rental from Milan, where he lives, in Bisceglie, where she was born, the writer Giustina Porcelli has finally spoken here of "La Prima Donna," his debut novel. He did it to Circolo Arci Open Source with the help of Antonia Monopoli, contact the Regional Office Trans Ala Milano Onlus, and Henry Fusco, National Councillor Arci Gay.

The presentation of the book, which tackles the sensitive issue of sex change and is inspired by the true story of a friend of the author, provided the occasion for quiet reflection on the fact that society condemns and even before knowing about a world of people searching for their own gender identity. All enhanced by fascinating reading entrusted to the recorded voice of the actress Antonella Enrietto.

The fact that Justin is also a screenwriter and comic book brings us to another cultural event hosted by the Open Source in August: meeting with Milan's Alberto Ponticelli , one of the authors that contribute to make a comic art form. Even in Italy, moreover, this literary genre see now recognized the dignity and the library is always easier to find works considered, rightly, as true graphic novels. During the appointment Bisceglie Ponticelli is told through the His creations by award-winning graphic novel Blatta the upcoming Wisps, through the lucky Unknown Soldier and Like a dog.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Anti Estrogen Supplement List


11th Commandment:
Read "The Primadonna".
's a story dense, rich, moving and funny. The character is strong, is a game of mirrors and references that do seem to know Gabriel, Lele, and Gabrielle Gabry forever.
Good lettura

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cover Letter For A Clothing Store

"Prima Donna" in the Town of Rights

Le Crucet Remove Burns

A good start ...! - Dobar pocetak!

I now should I clean the house, ironing and preparing lunch, however, I can not do anything, I'm here at the computer with his thoughts elsewhere! are now "free", up to 0:30 and October until 4 in the afternoon, I can organize well my time and my tasks, but ..... for now, I'm so, unable to do anything ... a little "suspended"! And only the second day of kindergarten and I'm still a bit worried, do not ch and think about the baby, what it does, how he is, eat a snack ... will be good with other bambini.Ieri I did not have lunch because I had a "thing" in the stomach, a feeling like when someone goes to write a review!
Yesterday was our first day of school (e di separazione per ben 3 ore e mezzo)!
Katy e stata bravissima,mi ha salutato,mi ha dato il bacio ed è andata a giocare con i nuovi giochi e nuovi compagni.Niente lacrime,soltanto sorrisi!E io non riuscivo ad andare via,sbirciavo nel aula sbirciavo dal portone di ingresso e la vedevo che correva nei corridoi(dove non doveva andare) dietro qualche bimbo monellino,tutta contenta alla scoperta dei luoghi nuovi, e la maestra gli correva dietro!
Quando sono tornata a prenderla (con la nostra vecchia bicicletta e seggiolino nuovo,un mezzo di trasporto che mi fa perdere qualche etto si spera!),lei non voleva andare via!?
Si e messa a urlare, perché non voleva andare a casa!Allora ho deciso di lasciarla ancora un po(c'era ancora tempo) e sono andata alla scuola media di fronte al asilo a prendere un altro
bimbo, S. amico di giochi di Katarina(di 8 anni) a quale da mese di maggio di quest anno faccio la tata!Pensavo se lo vede Katy, vorrà andare via con lui, lei lo adora, ed e stata una mossa vincente,siamo riusciti ad andare a casa senza pianti!
Anche stamattina Katy era serena,ci siamo salutate e lei è andata
a giocare tutta contenta, ma ora vediamo come farà oggi per andare via?!Speriamo bene!
Comunque, sono (per adesso, la settimana long and still) very happy by his
behavior, surprised us all, indeed, I must say that after all, the fund was the behavior expected from her more than anything else was my behavior that I could not imagine) , but for now, I think its a good start for both of you!

some photos:
Katy with his older friends (S. and M.) plays with the memory card,
proof apron ,

a peek in the mirror,

Si parte per la scuola(con il nostro "cavalo di battaglia")!

Sada bih trebala očistiti kuću, peglati i pripremiti ručak, međutim,ne uspevami ništa , samo sedim ovde na računaru sa mislima ko zna gde!
Sada sam "slobodna",sve do pola jedan a u oktobru sve do 4 po podne.

Katarina je u vrtiću!
Konacno mogu organizovati my time and my assignments as it suits me but I fail, just so I'm sitting doing nothing ... So I somehow "blocked". Only the other day kindergarten and I'm a little worried, constantly think of Katy, what, how, given a meal.
.. if will be good with other children? Yesterday I have not even had lunch as I was concerned, I had such an ugly feeling in the stomach-as before an exam!
Yesterday was our first day of school, in fact, kindergarten (and our first separation)!
Katy was a do-gooder, greeted me, gave me a kiss and went to play with the new prijateljima.Ništa tears, just smiles!
When I returned to pick her up (with our old bike and the new headquarters for Katy, the vehicle which should help me lose weight, hopefully!), Katy did not want to go home?
She started screaming and that the robbery, I barely dragged out of scotch!
Today was again calm and cheerful when I left, greeted me and went to
play all sretna.Problem only restore the house!
Basically, I was really surprised by their behavior (we're at the beginning we'll see how it will be a week), however, I am very pleased with her behavior, in fact, I have to admit I was a kind and expected such a thing from it, what I could imagine was my
behavior and my reactions. But for now I think we both started quite well!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dog Coach With Cedar Chips

"Prima Donna" in Genoa

Tra i molti concerti e i tantissimi spettacoli, la notte bianca genovese di quest'anno ospita anche La Prima Donna .

Nella Piazza dei Diritti organizzata dal Comune di Genova dall'ufficio di Nando Dalla Chiesa in connessione con lo spazio sequestrato alla mafia di vico Mele,

sabato 11 Settembre, ore 21.00 dalle parti di via Orefici in Piazza Senarega the writer, Giustina Porcelli , along with Valentina Canepa (national leadership and local Arcigay Genoa) have the novel, The First Woman (Publisher Morellini).

The book will be available at the Library Finisterre troughs in the square of Santa Brigida, 25

Félix Vallotton's painting, The liseuse, 1922

program of the evening (on a square Senarega )

18.00 - The possible integration - the experience of the Roma community of Genoa. Introduced by Don Paolo Farinella of the Roma community of Genoa. Following performance of Gypsy music and dance.
19.30 - Sound Check 'A 67

20.30 - Presentation of the book "The First Lady" of Giustina Porcelli - this will be the author

21.15 pm - Presentation of the multimedia project "Scampia Trip" - will be present and Danielle Sanzone Ciro Corona presents Nando Dalla Chiesa.

Ore 22.00 - "What makes us the Mafia in Genoa?" - The brainchild of Nando Dalla Chiesa, by and with Fabrizio Matteini, music by Filippo Gambetta.

Ore 23.00 - 'A 67 in concert

From 18 hours will be screened the film made to document the "Week of Rights

Throughout the evening will be open space Vico Mele, made seized the local organized crime, with sales of Free Association and the Workshop of equity and solidarity, will also enable the Library Rights, organized by the Library Finisterre.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Magic Shave Powder For Brazillian

Sweets (e) Reflections - Kolac razmisljanja

As I cuddle in the morning (but gladly afternoon) with a nice plate of biscuits that was once my mother (this time for plums, but the recipe calls for sour cherries), and a nice cup of coffee and milk, I'm thinking about what lies ahead in the coming days.
The child will go to the asylum. Play and eat (hopefully, but on looking a bit hard to eat!) With other children. Someone else will take her to the bathroom to pee, someone else will teach the new songs .... and I am left alone!
for so that I prepare for this event and it seems that slowly, slowly began to establish the fact that he arrived time to "let her go." Perhaps you may seem a lot of exaggeration that my attitude so "attached" to the child, but if I tell you that for almost three years she and I we did not separate anything, not even for half an hour then maybe there will be a framework picchino clearer. We're alone here, the three of us, no grandparents, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, cousins \u200b\u200b... nothing
Katy seems very excited to go to "school." During the summer I had brought several times to see the structure, outside the least, revenue dentro.Abbiamo and yesterday we made the rounds of classrooms, watched the fuck children who attend them and discovered that there are so many little friends who know and frequent the park. She seemed happy, do not even want to go on, and this seemed a good sign!
Monday, 13 we start with the new life! No more sleeping late, that at the beginning will be a big problem as the child goes to bed late at night even if he does not sleep in the afternoon, and will be a firm pull out of bed before eight o'clock in the morning! Instead, take the old bike with a new seat, brand and will go to school ... and then ... I'll let you know how it ends!

recipe for sweet cherries (or prunes):
3 eggs
a bit of powdered sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
8 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
12 tablespoons of flour
12 tablespoons of sugar
12 tablespoons of oil (including sunflower seeds)
300 grams of cherries (or plums will)
Wash cherries and remove the seeds. (if using plums, depriving the seeds and cut into cubes).
In a saucepan put flour and baking powder and mix tutto.In another pan work the eggs, then mixing always add sugar, vanilla, oil, milk and flour with baking powder. (Mix with the electric mixer).
Grease the pan to medium and sprinkle flour (I do not anoint, I put the baking paper).
Pour mixture and sprinkle with cherries (or diced plum-if you choose to use plums, by mixing a little sugar with the cinnamon and toss on top of snow).
Preheat oven and bake the cake starts at 200 ° C for 10 min, then lower the temperature and cook another 10-15 min. 180 ° C. (Do the toothpick test to check cooking). When it is finished, let cool slightly and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

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