Thursday, September 30, 2010

Schools George Crum Attended

Page 18

goose or a dove?
Who laid the egg cosmogony?
symbol of rebirth and regeneration, many myths rely on the creation of the universe to an egg, the cosmic egg.

the first time in my life that I had an egg hocucinato just over eight years and was an evening of ottobre.L 'I did for Dad. Cook an egg, it seemed the easiest thing Delmondo. The hen alone had the hard part, had already mescolatotutti ingredients. I just had to crack the shell and pour the contenutoin a greased pan. After that first time I learned a lot of things: If I took iltuorlo broke a wooden spoon and scrambled everything. Seriman full put the lid on and red when it became spegnevola pink flame. If I overdo it rests on an filaefondi elasciavo slices that melted. Do not forget the salt, that's all.


Postcards of 1904, made in France

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