Monday, September 6, 2010

Magic Shave Powder For Brazillian

Sweets (e) Reflections - Kolac razmisljanja

As I cuddle in the morning (but gladly afternoon) with a nice plate of biscuits that was once my mother (this time for plums, but the recipe calls for sour cherries), and a nice cup of coffee and milk, I'm thinking about what lies ahead in the coming days.
The child will go to the asylum. Play and eat (hopefully, but on looking a bit hard to eat!) With other children. Someone else will take her to the bathroom to pee, someone else will teach the new songs .... and I am left alone!
for so that I prepare for this event and it seems that slowly, slowly began to establish the fact that he arrived time to "let her go." Perhaps you may seem a lot of exaggeration that my attitude so "attached" to the child, but if I tell you that for almost three years she and I we did not separate anything, not even for half an hour then maybe there will be a framework picchino clearer. We're alone here, the three of us, no grandparents, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, cousins \u200b\u200b... nothing
Katy seems very excited to go to "school." During the summer I had brought several times to see the structure, outside the least, revenue dentro.Abbiamo and yesterday we made the rounds of classrooms, watched the fuck children who attend them and discovered that there are so many little friends who know and frequent the park. She seemed happy, do not even want to go on, and this seemed a good sign!
Monday, 13 we start with the new life! No more sleeping late, that at the beginning will be a big problem as the child goes to bed late at night even if he does not sleep in the afternoon, and will be a firm pull out of bed before eight o'clock in the morning! Instead, take the old bike with a new seat, brand and will go to school ... and then ... I'll let you know how it ends!

recipe for sweet cherries (or prunes):
3 eggs
a bit of powdered sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
8 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
12 tablespoons of flour
12 tablespoons of sugar
12 tablespoons of oil (including sunflower seeds)
300 grams of cherries (or plums will)
Wash cherries and remove the seeds. (if using plums, depriving the seeds and cut into cubes).
In a saucepan put flour and baking powder and mix tutto.In another pan work the eggs, then mixing always add sugar, vanilla, oil, milk and flour with baking powder. (Mix with the electric mixer).
Grease the pan to medium and sprinkle flour (I do not anoint, I put the baking paper).
Pour mixture and sprinkle with cherries (or diced plum-if you choose to use plums, by mixing a little sugar with the cinnamon and toss on top of snow).
Preheat oven and bake the cake starts at 200 ° C for 10 min, then lower the temperature and cook another 10-15 min. 180 ° C. (Do the toothpick test to check cooking). When it is finished, let cool slightly and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

tekst u pripremi ...


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