Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Le Crucet Remove Burns

A good start ...! - Dobar pocetak!

I now should I clean the house, ironing and preparing lunch, however, I can not do anything, I'm here at the computer with his thoughts elsewhere! are now "free", up to 0:30 and October until 4 in the afternoon, I can organize well my time and my tasks, but ..... for now, I'm so, unable to do anything ... a little "suspended"! And only the second day of kindergarten and I'm still a bit worried, do not ch and think about the baby, what it does, how he is, eat a snack ... will be good with other bambini.Ieri I did not have lunch because I had a "thing" in the stomach, a feeling like when someone goes to write a review!
Yesterday was our first day of school (e di separazione per ben 3 ore e mezzo)!
Katy e stata bravissima,mi ha salutato,mi ha dato il bacio ed è andata a giocare con i nuovi giochi e nuovi compagni.Niente lacrime,soltanto sorrisi!E io non riuscivo ad andare via,sbirciavo nel aula sbirciavo dal portone di ingresso e la vedevo che correva nei corridoi(dove non doveva andare) dietro qualche bimbo monellino,tutta contenta alla scoperta dei luoghi nuovi, e la maestra gli correva dietro!
Quando sono tornata a prenderla (con la nostra vecchia bicicletta e seggiolino nuovo,un mezzo di trasporto che mi fa perdere qualche etto si spera!),lei non voleva andare via!?
Si e messa a urlare, perché non voleva andare a casa!Allora ho deciso di lasciarla ancora un po(c'era ancora tempo) e sono andata alla scuola media di fronte al asilo a prendere un altro
bimbo, S. amico di giochi di Katarina(di 8 anni) a quale da mese di maggio di quest anno faccio la tata!Pensavo se lo vede Katy, vorrà andare via con lui, lei lo adora, ed e stata una mossa vincente,siamo riusciti ad andare a casa senza pianti!
Anche stamattina Katy era serena,ci siamo salutate e lei è andata
a giocare tutta contenta, ma ora vediamo come farà oggi per andare via?!Speriamo bene!
Comunque, sono (per adesso, la settimana long and still) very happy by his
behavior, surprised us all, indeed, I must say that after all, the fund was the behavior expected from her more than anything else was my behavior that I could not imagine) , but for now, I think its a good start for both of you!

some photos:
Katy with his older friends (S. and M.) plays with the memory card,
proof apron ,

a peek in the mirror,

Si parte per la scuola(con il nostro "cavalo di battaglia")!

Sada bih trebala očistiti kuću, peglati i pripremiti ručak, međutim,ne uspevami ništa , samo sedim ovde na računaru sa mislima ko zna gde!
Sada sam "slobodna",sve do pola jedan a u oktobru sve do 4 po podne.

Katarina je u vrtiću!
Konacno mogu organizovati my time and my assignments as it suits me but I fail, just so I'm sitting doing nothing ... So I somehow "blocked". Only the other day kindergarten and I'm a little worried, constantly think of Katy, what, how, given a meal.
.. if will be good with other children? Yesterday I have not even had lunch as I was concerned, I had such an ugly feeling in the stomach-as before an exam!
Yesterday was our first day of school, in fact, kindergarten (and our first separation)!
Katy was a do-gooder, greeted me, gave me a kiss and went to play with the new prijateljima.Ništa tears, just smiles!
When I returned to pick her up (with our old bike and the new headquarters for Katy, the vehicle which should help me lose weight, hopefully!), Katy did not want to go home?
She started screaming and that the robbery, I barely dragged out of scotch!
Today was again calm and cheerful when I left, greeted me and went to
play all sretna.Problem only restore the house!
Basically, I was really surprised by their behavior (we're at the beginning we'll see how it will be a week), however, I am very pleased with her behavior, in fact, I have to admit I was a kind and expected such a thing from it, what I could imagine was my
behavior and my reactions. But for now I think we both started quite well!


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