Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bronze Eagle Paintball Gun

"Prima Donna" (not only) on "Done"

Giustina prophet in his own
of Francesco Martucci for the Done

The Porcelli spoke of the book "The Prima Donna" Open Source, where he was also the guest cartoonist Alberto Ponticelli.

The previous issue of "the fact" we had almost call. And she was not coming. Back rental from Milan, where he lives, in Bisceglie, where she was born, the writer Giustina Porcelli has finally spoken here of "La Prima Donna," his debut novel. He did it to Circolo Arci Open Source with the help of Antonia Monopoli, contact the Regional Office Trans Ala Milano Onlus, and Henry Fusco, National Councillor Arci Gay.

The presentation of the book, which tackles the sensitive issue of sex change and is inspired by the true story of a friend of the author, provided the occasion for quiet reflection on the fact that society condemns and even before knowing about a world of people searching for their own gender identity. All enhanced by fascinating reading entrusted to the recorded voice of the actress Antonella Enrietto.

The fact that Justin is also a screenwriter and comic book brings us to another cultural event hosted by the Open Source in August: meeting with Milan's Alberto Ponticelli , one of the authors that contribute to make a comic art form. Even in Italy, moreover, this literary genre see now recognized the dignity and the library is always easier to find works considered, rightly, as true graphic novels. During the appointment Bisceglie Ponticelli is told through the His creations by award-winning graphic novel Blatta the upcoming Wisps, through the lucky Unknown Soldier and Like a dog.


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