Monday, December 20, 2010

Make A Go Kart Frame For A Motorcycle Engine

Il "brociolone" palermitano (falsomagro)

E 'almost midnight and everyone is asleep ... that's great, finally a few minutes for me, just because I have some sleep too. Sure ... it's a chore to continue with two children ... but the satisfaction is great ... look how beautiful! Tomorrow (today for you when you read) my little man will have his first Christmas play. Spigliato how they chose to be the shepherd, who knows if it will not cry all the time. I definitely piangerĂ² a dirotto...mi commuovo facilmente quando vedo che Davide cresce!

Passiamo alla ricetta, tipica palermitana. Si presta bene come secondo piatto da portare a Natale sulle vostre tavole.
Ingredienti per tre: una fetta di vitellone da 500 grammi (unica fetta), due cipolle, una manciata di pangrattato, una manciata di passoline e pinoli e ritagli di salumi in proporzione variabile (provoletta, salame, mortadella e prosciutto cotto tutto tagliato a dadini). Olio, sale, pepe e vino bianco per sfumare. Se volete possiamo cuocerlo in pomodoro e piselli (tipico) oppure solo con piselli

In una padella fare soffriggere/stufare in extra virgin olive oil one onion cut into wires. A moderate heat then add the breadcrumbs and toast it a little and off. Add raisins, pine nuts ...

When the mixture is cold add the scraps of deli meats and cheeses.

Put it all on the steak, season with salt and pepper, fold the long edges and then roll the meat up for herself well. I've actually put too much filling ... Mettetene unless you close better.

Help yourselves to seal the retina with the suits always supplied by the butchers.

In a saucepan or frying pan to braise the other onion, cut wire, add the meat, deglaze with white wine. At this point, if you want it cooked in white cover with half water and a nut and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add 10 minutes before the frozen spring peas. If you want it with the sauce, add water even a can of peeled and peas last forever. Just plug and remove the retina and sliced \u200b\u200bthe final photo ... I have not nursed since Aurora breast but I show you the inside ... the rest ... you imagine it ... including the flavor that is delicious !


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