Friday, December 31, 2010

Pricefunhouse Pinball

Videowall The 2010 Prize Purse

Qui di seguito il videowall
con tutti i video realizzati dalla PacotVideo
per il Premio Borsellino 2010

Shower Soap Dish Parts

Recalling the 2009 Prize Purse

Qui di seguito il videowall con tutti i video realizzati dalla PacotVideo per il Premio Borsellino 2009

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Pittsburgh Brazilian Waxers

Babbo Natale...amico mio (swap e regali tra blogger)

Now that Christmas is spent writing, we are almost to St. Stephen and I see with pleasure the photos of those days. I have no doubt now that I have two children, one of which "understands well the arrival of Christmas and especially Santa Claus ... ... Christmas is more beautiful! He was lucky to meet him three times! Brash com 'David has wasted no time to be photographed ... This Santa has met him on the day of his quotes ...

While this Santa Claus has met my godmother's house the evening of the 24 ... Thanks to Massimo who helped realize a dream

Day David Christmas instead met Santa Claus at his house where I spent Christmas with my mother-in-law quietly, the family of my sister Erin and my brother Daniel aka Santa Claus ... ih ih ih ... now at its second interpretation ... thanks uncle who always make happy your grandchildren, the last two years, four incredibly this year ... next year we stay .... for me to share four ah ah ah ... The
opened David ... Look at the door just as he wants petting ...

... and kiss ...

Hello hello my friend ... Santa Claus ... come back soon!

In recent months I have had the opportunity to strengthen my webamicizia with Mika ... This summer has seen us both to wait for our babies, I called Aurora Pupetta ... well now you know ...

... and she's the Christian, born a few days ago. Immediately after the birth of Aurora Mika gave me a most welcome gift, received by mail, a Christmas and a complement red bib embroidered with her .. soon repay you with sincere affection

Other gifts received from Mary Pupetta a foodblogger - friend - and links ... (better known as Memmea ) red jumpsuit is this Christmas. Lei Palermo being like me .. I took her home and so I got to know his son James and her husband, a precious family with a heart of gold ... Memmea, thanks to you ...

Let us finally received the package for a swap organized by Annamaria . I was paired with Granny Sun (Solema) and this is what they sent me away from the Friuli ... Thank you so much, I can not wait diassaggiare more ...

Merry Christmas to you all and enjoy the rest of the holidays!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Make A Go Kart Frame For A Motorcycle Engine

Il "brociolone" palermitano (falsomagro)

E 'almost midnight and everyone is asleep ... that's great, finally a few minutes for me, just because I have some sleep too. Sure ... it's a chore to continue with two children ... but the satisfaction is great ... look how beautiful! Tomorrow (today for you when you read) my little man will have his first Christmas play. Spigliato how they chose to be the shepherd, who knows if it will not cry all the time. I definitely piangerò a dirotto...mi commuovo facilmente quando vedo che Davide cresce!

Passiamo alla ricetta, tipica palermitana. Si presta bene come secondo piatto da portare a Natale sulle vostre tavole.
Ingredienti per tre: una fetta di vitellone da 500 grammi (unica fetta), due cipolle, una manciata di pangrattato, una manciata di passoline e pinoli e ritagli di salumi in proporzione variabile (provoletta, salame, mortadella e prosciutto cotto tutto tagliato a dadini). Olio, sale, pepe e vino bianco per sfumare. Se volete possiamo cuocerlo in pomodoro e piselli (tipico) oppure solo con piselli

In una padella fare soffriggere/stufare in extra virgin olive oil one onion cut into wires. A moderate heat then add the breadcrumbs and toast it a little and off. Add raisins, pine nuts ...

When the mixture is cold add the scraps of deli meats and cheeses.

Put it all on the steak, season with salt and pepper, fold the long edges and then roll the meat up for herself well. I've actually put too much filling ... Mettetene unless you close better.

Help yourselves to seal the retina with the suits always supplied by the butchers.

In a saucepan or frying pan to braise the other onion, cut wire, add the meat, deglaze with white wine. At this point, if you want it cooked in white cover with half water and a nut and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add 10 minutes before the frozen spring peas. If you want it with the sauce, add water even a can of peeled and peas last forever. Just plug and remove the retina and sliced \u200b\u200bthe final photo ... I have not nursed since Aurora breast but I show you the inside ... the rest ... you imagine it ... including the flavor that is delicious !

Monday, December 13, 2010

Taken Over My Mom's Knee

are ready to sum up - Gotove

It 'been a week (in fact almost two), very difficult.
I got it bad (again, this year I'm falling apart, will be the age?) And other unpleasant things have happened to me and sad for what I really do not want to talk ... In short, time is past, and somehow it goes on ...
The necklaces that I had announced ready for several days and some are already sold through Misshobby (a portal all Italian), and privately, that makes me hope for a success of these delicious described accessori.Questo me happy a lot.
However, if nothing else, my friends will have some nice Christmas gifts from me.
Soon there will be other, different, tipo cammeo, you aggiornerò, we raccomandate venite a vedere ea dire la vostra!


necklaces that I have announced before a desetek days are over, but only as long I have not had time to put them on the blog again, I was sick.
Some have already been sold privately and through misshobby -Italian site for sale, similar to etsy-ju and I sincerely hope the discreet success with these tasks, if nothing else, at least my friends will have a nice Christmas present from me: )
Soon there will be other necklaces, the TRICK Kamei, must come to see and tell me what you think!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gpsphone Cheats Emerald

Fagottini di pollo con peperoni arlecchino dello chef Saverio D'Anna

rans ... off off, as I do in this period just do not know ... a grind ... that is why I will be brief and telegraphic but I wanted to share with you a recipe from my cousin really nice and tasty. For two people it takes two slices of chicken breasts from which to obtain four slices smaller, two better than three small peppers (red, green and yellow), a glass of white wine, chopped pistachios, olive oil and herbs.
Procedure: obtain from slices of chicken breasts smaller, a little beat if too thick, add salt and pepper, place the spices (oregano and rosemary mainly). I have also added to the original recipe two slices of bacon. Sprinkle with chopped pistachios and roll to roll (see the video queue in the post)

Enlist the help of the ubiquitous three year old son to cut the pepper into cubes and cook in a pan with a splash oil. Combine the chicken dumplings, evaporated glass of white wine, cover and simmer for fifteen minutes. Clearly depends on how big the rolls are managed

Serve on a plate of plastic, very very useful in the evening to not go crazy doing the dishes with the ever-ubiquitous three year old son ...

A tip ... watch the video of the recipe below ... perhaps in a hurry I forgot something !!!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

How To Lower Torin Black Jack

A peek at what is next ...!

Questo è il progetto sul quale adesso sto lavorando: and ciondoli.
Presto but you mostrerò Interi is finite, non vedo l'ora!)


This is my new project that Now I do: necklace with a pendant!
will soon be ready, I can not wait! :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bellini Baby Furniture

Quegli stravaganti Biscotti di Maionese dell'Arabafelice!

While as usual skim my blog roll, the title of a post makes me stare ... Mayonnaise biscuits ... I think nice, salty snacks will be offered in the buffet ... then later in Blog Stefy (which by the way I love it), and gin cotton eyes even more! But they are not salty ... they are real sweet biscuits! Mayonnaise?? I know that Arabia's most popular websites like playing the little chimico ma questa poi. Leggo l'esilarante post tutto d'un fiato e non perdo un attimo di tempo: DEVO ASSOLUTAMENTE PROVARLI! D'altra parte mi fido ciecamente di lei!

Seguendo alla lettera le istruzioni e il procedimento amalgamo nella planetaria con la frusta 100 grammi di burro freddo tagliato a pezzetti con 40 grammi di zucchero. E fin quì tutto ok. Appena si è formata una bella spuma, lontano dagli occhi di mio marito (che mi avrebbe presa per pazza) verso nella ciotola anche 100 grammi di maionese fredda e mescolo questa volta con una spatolina di legno delicatamente... Mah...osservo come l'impasto faccia davvero puzza di maionese ma fiduciosa continuo ad aggiungere la farina. In totale 270 grammi aggiunti però little by little, stirring gently with the spatula of wood ... the smell of mayonnaise is always very strong ... mah! Will come out a nice soft but not sticky dough

I can only put the dough in the fridge for half an hour, line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and preheat to 190 ° after half an hour form of cookies. Even here I followed his instructions. I formed into balls and pressed gently with the tines of a fork, sugar in the past, kept in the freezer for five minutes and fired about twenty minutes. Do not tell you how I smelled the hands of mayonnaise ... yuck! But you can not disappoint me ... I am confident ...

Li sforno, li lascio raffreddare e con una certa riluttanza assaggio.....MAGNIFICI... nella consistenza e nel sapore...e il tanfo di maionese...sparito. NON AVEVO DUBBI. La soddisfazione più bella? vedere mio marito mangiarli gustosamente, non accorgersi di nulla e confessargli che i biscotti sono fatti con la maionese!!! Miticaaaa! Anche nelle foto non ho esitato a rubarle l'idea del nastrino :-) Non vi ho ancora convinto a provare? Correte a leggere il suo convincente post e vi ritroverete in men che non si dica come me a impastar biscotti

Da biscotto a biscotto...ecco la foto del mio biscottino che lievita grazie Mother's milk ;-)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mens Jeans Black Cotton Kurta

I have to study ...

... the Italian Constitution!
And you will be one of the questions we will do in the interview at the police station (because of the demand for Italian citizenship, which we did). And rightly so, I believe, something those who want to become an Italian citizen on the country where you live should also know But I think a lot of fun vine service of the hyenas made several months ago: Journalist "hyena" had questions on the articles of the constitution Italian MPs and their answers were more than disappointing.
I however, do not want to play the part of the nerd, but at least the basics, come on, you must know how!
However, cross your fingers for me:)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Tinted Sunscreen For Rosacea

Collegiove...e il mio papà!

remember with nostalgia Collegiove ... In this remote mountain village of just 200 souls to 1000 meters above sea level in the province of Rieti I spent the summer of 1984. I was 10 and my father, Chief Post Office had been transferred there for a career. A whole year away from home ... away from the sun of Sicily and the snow in the mountains near the Gran Sasso
remember that the car was filled with homemade tomato sauce from Mom, I remember the emptiness that was created in memory his family ... calls every morning before my brother and I were going to school, to wish us a good day and to make sure we went to school and do not really rimanessimo to bed, perhaps relying on the mother's heart softer.
remember that summer we spent there and we reached Rome, I mother and my brother in a sleeper train in Rome ... A dad greeted us at the station.
remember curves that we faced to reach Collegiove, I remember the smell of the woods mushrooms, moss. We used the sea breeze ... I felt like Heidi of the mountains.
remember the small office where he did almost everything, Director, and doors. And I remember l'emozione e la felicità sul volto di mio padre appena ci presentò quella gente semplice che l'aveva "adottato" soprattutto durante l'inverno rigido. Già, la ricordo ancora quella gente semplice che profumava di genuinità, di formaggio e di camino. L'età media era 70 anni almeno. Erano tutti anziani e se anche anagraficamente non lo erano, dimostravano davvero molto di più della loro età
Ricordo lo zio Nunzio, dolcissimo vecchietto che passava tutta la giornata seduto in una panchina davanti casa e sapeva dire PATATA in tutte le lingue del mondo. Divertiva tantissimo me e mio fratello, ricordo la moglie Pasquarosa, con i capelli bianchi raccolti in testa, sempre impegnata in cucina a preparare la fresh pasta.
then I remember Maurice and Irma, the couple's youngest country. They were our neighbors. She led the sheep to graze in the morning and tell the truth, goat ... "smelled" the whole house
remember Joseph, a stocky man who had donkeys and horses and that he had never left the country, and not He had never seen the sea. My father do not hesitate to get in the car and take him to see the sea. My dad told me that thrilled so much to cry.
remember a lady, I can not remember the name, which served as a snack for me and my brother genuine ham served over a slice of homemade bread cut con un grosso coltellaccio e appoggiato al petto.
Ricordo l'ortica, il formaggio fatto in casa, il mio primo libro letto sotto un bellissimo albero, i girini di uno stagno, i funghi porcini...
Ricordo le gite per raccogliere funghi, le gite a Tivoli con il suo bel parco, Terni, l'Aquila, le cascate delle Marmore, Perugia e la città dei Ragazzi, i paesini limitrofi come Collalto Sabino, Nespolo e il lago di Turania, il Gran Sasso d'Italia raggiunto in funivia e tanto tanto altro...
Ricordo il mio magnifico e straordinario papà, scomparso nel 2002 e che oggi avrebbe compiuto 67 anni

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Dishes That Keep Food Hot

I grattini all'uovo (minestra di semola battuta di Chiara)

Un ritorno agli antichi sapori...genuini...Questa pastina all'uovo l'ho copiata da un post della dolcissima Chiara che più di una volta mi ha ispirato con le sue ricette. Mi ha colpito appena l'ho vista e ho avuto un forte desiderio di farla anche io.

E non mi sbagliavo. Ecco gli ingredienti per 400 grammi di pastina: 200 gr semola di grano duro, 1 uovo, poco acqua o brodo, prezzemolo tritato (io non l'avevo, motovo in più per rifarla al più presto). Ho aggiunto qualcosa di mio: una leggera grattugiata di scorza di limone.

Procedimento: Ho dato una prima impastata con la planetaria Whether creating a dough crumbled and at times more consistent. I then put everything on a large tray and worked with a large knife breaking up the mixture to obtain the desired granularity. At first it was not easy but then you took my hand.

I then cooked the scratch card obtained in a good vegetable stock (always homemade). Typically, after I cook the potato in salt water, carrot, onion and tomato, rather than remove them (except maybe to eat) them flutter and add them to the cooking water for a creamy soup! !

What This delicious pasta, I'm really glad I discovered. Thanks Chiara ... see you next!