Monday, November 29, 2010

Tinted Sunscreen For Rosacea

Collegiove...e il mio papà!

remember with nostalgia Collegiove ... In this remote mountain village of just 200 souls to 1000 meters above sea level in the province of Rieti I spent the summer of 1984. I was 10 and my father, Chief Post Office had been transferred there for a career. A whole year away from home ... away from the sun of Sicily and the snow in the mountains near the Gran Sasso
remember that the car was filled with homemade tomato sauce from Mom, I remember the emptiness that was created in memory his family ... calls every morning before my brother and I were going to school, to wish us a good day and to make sure we went to school and do not really rimanessimo to bed, perhaps relying on the mother's heart softer.
remember that summer we spent there and we reached Rome, I mother and my brother in a sleeper train in Rome ... A dad greeted us at the station.
remember curves that we faced to reach Collegiove, I remember the smell of the woods mushrooms, moss. We used the sea breeze ... I felt like Heidi of the mountains.
remember the small office where he did almost everything, Director, and doors. And I remember l'emozione e la felicità sul volto di mio padre appena ci presentò quella gente semplice che l'aveva "adottato" soprattutto durante l'inverno rigido. Già, la ricordo ancora quella gente semplice che profumava di genuinità, di formaggio e di camino. L'età media era 70 anni almeno. Erano tutti anziani e se anche anagraficamente non lo erano, dimostravano davvero molto di più della loro età
Ricordo lo zio Nunzio, dolcissimo vecchietto che passava tutta la giornata seduto in una panchina davanti casa e sapeva dire PATATA in tutte le lingue del mondo. Divertiva tantissimo me e mio fratello, ricordo la moglie Pasquarosa, con i capelli bianchi raccolti in testa, sempre impegnata in cucina a preparare la fresh pasta.
then I remember Maurice and Irma, the couple's youngest country. They were our neighbors. She led the sheep to graze in the morning and tell the truth, goat ... "smelled" the whole house
remember Joseph, a stocky man who had donkeys and horses and that he had never left the country, and not He had never seen the sea. My father do not hesitate to get in the car and take him to see the sea. My dad told me that thrilled so much to cry.
remember a lady, I can not remember the name, which served as a snack for me and my brother genuine ham served over a slice of homemade bread cut con un grosso coltellaccio e appoggiato al petto.
Ricordo l'ortica, il formaggio fatto in casa, il mio primo libro letto sotto un bellissimo albero, i girini di uno stagno, i funghi porcini...
Ricordo le gite per raccogliere funghi, le gite a Tivoli con il suo bel parco, Terni, l'Aquila, le cascate delle Marmore, Perugia e la città dei Ragazzi, i paesini limitrofi come Collalto Sabino, Nespolo e il lago di Turania, il Gran Sasso d'Italia raggiunto in funivia e tanto tanto altro...
Ricordo il mio magnifico e straordinario papà, scomparso nel 2002 e che oggi avrebbe compiuto 67 anni

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Dishes That Keep Food Hot

I grattini all'uovo (minestra di semola battuta di Chiara)

Un ritorno agli antichi sapori...genuini...Questa pastina all'uovo l'ho copiata da un post della dolcissima Chiara che più di una volta mi ha ispirato con le sue ricette. Mi ha colpito appena l'ho vista e ho avuto un forte desiderio di farla anche io.

E non mi sbagliavo. Ecco gli ingredienti per 400 grammi di pastina: 200 gr semola di grano duro, 1 uovo, poco acqua o brodo, prezzemolo tritato (io non l'avevo, motovo in più per rifarla al più presto). Ho aggiunto qualcosa di mio: una leggera grattugiata di scorza di limone.

Procedimento: Ho dato una prima impastata con la planetaria Whether creating a dough crumbled and at times more consistent. I then put everything on a large tray and worked with a large knife breaking up the mixture to obtain the desired granularity. At first it was not easy but then you took my hand.

I then cooked the scratch card obtained in a good vegetable stock (always homemade). Typically, after I cook the potato in salt water, carrot, onion and tomato, rather than remove them (except maybe to eat) them flutter and add them to the cooking water for a creamy soup! !

What This delicious pasta, I'm really glad I discovered. Thanks Chiara ... see you next!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Poptropica Multiverse Number 2010

Soufflè con patate, pancetta e mozzarella dello Chef Saverio D'Anna

Hello, how are you? It will be the fifth time I sit down to write this recipe to your PC. Aurora, more sprightly has no intention of staying calm and lying ... David is here beside me apostrophe "Mom ... come here!" So, let's see, the photo taken in the evening ... you know its not the best recipe for a hand which is most worthy. It 's a souffle with potatoes, bacon and mozzarella and I copied from my cousin Xavier. More and more professional now easy to find his recipes on video youtube

behold, this recipe filmed. The video takes a few minutes and you are encouraged to review: the recipe is sure to be clearer.

three people I have beaten four eggs in a bowl with a pinch of salt and pepper, then I added two medium potatoes cut into cigarette (thinner and more good will be the souffle). Finally I added the chopped bacon in a cigarette and diced mozzarella. I dusted with Parmesan cheese. Place the mixture into a bowl, cook for 15 minutes at 180 degrees (oven already heated)

In verità il mio si è cotto in mezz'ora perchè il recipiente che ho usato era più alto che largo rispetto a quello del video. Voi regolatevi ovviamente in base al forno e ai vostri "strumenti"
Voilà...fate raffreddare un poco, sformate e il soufflè di Saverio è servito....Alla prossima, ho già fatto ASSAI!!!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Specific Age To Get Waxed?


Gli approfondimenti non capitano tutti i giorni e, a mio parere, quando accadono vanno condivisi. Le critiche costruttive danno la possibilità di sviscerare risposte e danno prova di una lettura attenta che non può che onorare chi scrive. 
Grazie di cuore a MEE.


I promised you I would write more calmly about the book.
Here's what I was not convinced:
But because a young guy, cool, and so upright. ends up falling in love with a complicated as the main character? Surely the reason is there, but I could not find in history and what made the relationship less real. I often wondered how one could choose a person as well as problematic. I know it may sound like a ignorant view, and I realize that the reason is the same one that binds two people for a living and that makes two of them also suffer when it seems impossible. In short, is because you love it, but I è mancato molto la fase della costruzione di questo amore difficile.
Come ha affrontato Nicola il fatto che Gabry fosse un uomo?

Ho volutamente tralasciato il fattore "dinamiche sessuali fra i due" per non intaccare la figura immaginifica del personaggio di Nico, personaggio totem di proposito. Nicola è una persona come non se ne incontrano, l' essere perfetto - come lo chiama Luisa - un uomo "innamorato dell'amore, non del contenitore", il principe azzurro che ogni trans - e non solo - sogna e, per lo stesso motivo, è spesso insopportabilmente noioso. Il mio scopo era quello di creare un contrasto forte con Gabry e con il mondo che ho dipinto attorno a lei, quindi anche con Rodolfo and Dominic contrast unconsciousness knows that love to have a stark reminder of the cynicism and disaffection. Nicholas is the man to whom you entrust with confidence, has the dangerous power to make you feel better. Dangerous because in the end, it's just a human being. Is a sin, like everyone else. What happens to a person unsure when the scaffolding of the solid which was surrounded collapses? Gabry learn to balance on his legs, but not everyone can ...

The dialogues of the "madness" at times I found them a bit 'unnecessary, plus I liked the parts where it tells the most intimate, personal one, places, characters, anecdotes.

Dialogue with Diana Prince - Mysterious Woman - serves as a filter: it is a kind of decompression chamber where you get to erase the traces of the past, the residues associated with the anecdotes, the sticky feeling, and despite the frantic tone, you return Paradoxically, this shiny.

I must say that the ending is beautiful! I liked it, accelerates the reading just as he was getting a bit 'slow: at one point I felt like hunting all that room, too many people around the bed!

the south often that friends and family from clogging up the hospitals and even outside office visits for the sick is not always ideal: happy che la sensazione di sovraffollamento sia stata captata!



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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Where Can I Donate Diabetes Supplies In Allen, Tx

Le ricette di Casa Clerici: timballo di verdure

Ricetta veloce, facile e molto gustosa presa dalla trasmissione della Prova del Cuoco nella sezione "le ricette di casa Clerici". E' un timballo di verdure che loro presentano come contorno ma io con una bella porzione e un pezzo di pane ci ho fatto cena!!!
Ingredienti: Cluster 2 ripe tomatoes, 1 zucchini genovese, red or white onion, 1 eggplant, 2 potatoes, about 100 grams of bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons of grated cheese, basil leaves and olive oil. Working as a crumble the bread crumbs with cheese, olive oil, salt and pepper. Cut all the vegetables into slices

In a small baking pan previously greased and alternate layers of vegetables (eggplant, zucchini, potato, onion and tomato then) with the crumble topping with bread crumbs and cheese and basil leaves.

Bake at 200 degrees for half an hour covered with aluminum foil and the last five minutes without

I found it really good and when they sent in tivvù I have already prepared a couple of times! Until next time ...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Letter To Disconnect Internet

If you like my art ... part 2 - Za one koji Vole moje crteze ... 2.deo

And today I present my pins! They are absolutely adorable!
And do not say because they are mine, but because it is really so, the photos give me a reason!
This entry sets of 5 different designs (details from my pictures) and measured 3.7 cm, of excellent quality.
If you like or are interested in making a gift, you can contact me on my e-mail or go directly to my Etsy shop. Li Trovero anche dei specchietti-per chi non li abbi visti e questo il link: . html
presto ... e altre novità belle! :)


Today I present my badges that are absolutely beautiful!
I do not say because they are mine, but because it is really true, photos will show us!
set contains 5 different drawings (the details of my illustration) and amount to 3.7 cm, with excellent quality.
If you like them or you are interested to donate, you can contact me at my e-mail or go directly to my Etsy shop . There you will find the mirror-for those who have not seen here is the link:
pretty soon more news! :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Regular Fainting For 1 Hour


Postato su IlblogdiGiustina
Chi non ha ancora letto La Prima Donna lo faccia: è veramente tanta roba!
I could not define it with one word, different feelings and can move in ' apparent immobility of the room chasing the joys, friendships and misunderstandings of life.
The most interesting aspect of the novel is its ability to play with contrasts, the cry with the thought of violence with gentleness, love and hate, far away with the close, chasing each other all at times meet sometimes collide, go out and not all come back on.
First Woman is too much to be able to define in a few lines and this is a good reason to read it. Enjoy it!

(Send your comments to

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What Happens To The Brain During Shock

Katy: from July to today - Katy: od jula do Danas

Monday, November 8, 2010

What Can I Eat If I Have A Toothache

Vi racconto come mi è cambiata la vita...e vi offro un piatto di farfallette fantasia

As I write this post the music of Giovanni Allevi, the background of my blog, keeps me company and the cradle of the sleeping Aurora sleeps beside me in his cradle.

the time to devote and dedicate to you all is really reduced to a flicker, but there is so much willingness and desire not to lose the reins of "my life" ... what we have to cut in order to selfishly then donate to our family our serenity. Only if we are calm we can surround it with love those around us. Since it was created in the past 40 Aurora days: in fact, three in the morning of September 29th I broke the so-called water. I got up to go to the bathroom ... as usual but now in ricoricarmi something was not quite lost yet ... something ... and in abundance. What a strange coincidence, for David all began at three in the morning ! What do I do? Of course the first thing to do, the most obvious ... wake up my husband! "Love ... we ... have passed the interminable minutes we were a little confused and trying to figure out what to do. David was asleep in bed next to mine and we had to do everything very quiet so as not to wake him. Second obvious: to call Mom and tell her that a little later my husband would go and get it. She is responsible for watching over my little and weigh him without waking him gently that Mom and Dad, for the first time, they were beside him in the morning. Third, less obvious, take a shower. He felt the need. We are so down with the baggage from home and went to the hospital. Silence, knowing looks and handshakes during the trip. As expected I admitted and begin the process of inspections and investigations. But everything is still ... The first great emotion when my baby came to visit me in hospital for two, fresh out of school. I did feel the fear and instead I ran to meet him, throwing her arms around his neck. At six-thirty in the afternoon, I announced that I started labor. Yet I feel minimal pain ... pain that I feel strong and clear at nine o'clock and a cold ... I certainly impressive. My whole body trembles when they come from the tremors and contractions is even worse. That's why I wanted to repeat the experience in water, at least in the tub and wraparound heat is less intense pain, but the doctor is not on duty! What bad luck! At half past ten expect my next husband in the labor room (I did not own of hanging alone lying in bed in dim light and uncomfortable with the air conditioning turned up ball), at least I had someone to vent the severe pain that now I gripped the lower abdomen. So here it timely to each contraction, shaking with cold, crushing la mano e in maniera molto rassicurante gli sussurro "amore non ce la sto morendo..." :-) e lui, sempre in maniera molto rassicurante e annuendo con la testa, "ce la fai, ce la fai...". E l'ostetrica facendo capolino dalla stanza accanto ripeteva come l'eco..."hai visto...ce l'hai fatta". Insomma dopo appena un ora di questa solfa mi lei sta per partorire!!! Ma va!!!Improvvisamente mi ritrovo una quantità spropositata di persone attorno, in una posizione scomodissima e la stanza piena di luce!! Vi risparmio davvero i particolari e vi dico che con tre spinte ben assestate è nata Aurora.
Erano le 23.40 e mio marito accanto a me mi ha assistito in maniera determinante. The second part will tell you the next post but now I offer you two things ... the photos of my treasures

... and a nice plate of butterflies fantasy. Just blow up in a little oil in a pan of the chunks of salmon, turn off the heat and add tomatoes, black olives and rocket salad, drain the pasta and toss with a bit of pepper and an oil

Accurate. .. the recipe is from my mom ...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Can I Get Silver Version On My Mac

If you like my art ...- Za one koji Vole moje crteze ...

...Finalmente sono pronti i miei specchietti! Sono emozionatissima!Vedere miei disegni trasformato in un oggetto così bello è una grandissima soddisfazione ! I specchietti sono fatti a mano e rapresentano un dettaglio delle mie illustrazioni originali.
Credetemi, These mirrors are very small pieces of real art eq his is a great way to bring a piece of my art with you (at a very low price)!
They measure 5.6 cm and are supplied with an organza bag to keep them safe in the bags.
is also a wonderful idea to make a birthday gift or for any other occasion! If you like and if you're interested, contact me on my e-mail (there are only a few pieces, but soon there will be others!) Are all still there even on my etsy shop !
Not only that, soon there will be other innovations, and many other beautiful things:)
And now I present my mirrors:

Under the willow tree pocket mirror
Tell me your secret pocket mirror
Red cat pocket mirror
In the forest pocket mirror
Old fashioned pocket mirror


My mirrored, konnacno are over! Handmade dimensions of 5.6 cm izizetnog quality, real small art works: if you are interested please contact me at my e- mail and soon will be ready and on my etsy shop -in!
And not only, very soon it will be more beautiful new stvarcica!)