Monday, November 8, 2010

What Can I Eat If I Have A Toothache

Vi racconto come mi è cambiata la vita...e vi offro un piatto di farfallette fantasia

As I write this post the music of Giovanni Allevi, the background of my blog, keeps me company and the cradle of the sleeping Aurora sleeps beside me in his cradle.

the time to devote and dedicate to you all is really reduced to a flicker, but there is so much willingness and desire not to lose the reins of "my life" ... what we have to cut in order to selfishly then donate to our family our serenity. Only if we are calm we can surround it with love those around us. Since it was created in the past 40 Aurora days: in fact, three in the morning of September 29th I broke the so-called water. I got up to go to the bathroom ... as usual but now in ricoricarmi something was not quite lost yet ... something ... and in abundance. What a strange coincidence, for David all began at three in the morning ! What do I do? Of course the first thing to do, the most obvious ... wake up my husband! "Love ... we ... have passed the interminable minutes we were a little confused and trying to figure out what to do. David was asleep in bed next to mine and we had to do everything very quiet so as not to wake him. Second obvious: to call Mom and tell her that a little later my husband would go and get it. She is responsible for watching over my little and weigh him without waking him gently that Mom and Dad, for the first time, they were beside him in the morning. Third, less obvious, take a shower. He felt the need. We are so down with the baggage from home and went to the hospital. Silence, knowing looks and handshakes during the trip. As expected I admitted and begin the process of inspections and investigations. But everything is still ... The first great emotion when my baby came to visit me in hospital for two, fresh out of school. I did feel the fear and instead I ran to meet him, throwing her arms around his neck. At six-thirty in the afternoon, I announced that I started labor. Yet I feel minimal pain ... pain that I feel strong and clear at nine o'clock and a cold ... I certainly impressive. My whole body trembles when they come from the tremors and contractions is even worse. That's why I wanted to repeat the experience in water, at least in the tub and wraparound heat is less intense pain, but the doctor is not on duty! What bad luck! At half past ten expect my next husband in the labor room (I did not own of hanging alone lying in bed in dim light and uncomfortable with the air conditioning turned up ball), at least I had someone to vent the severe pain that now I gripped the lower abdomen. So here it timely to each contraction, shaking with cold, crushing la mano e in maniera molto rassicurante gli sussurro "amore non ce la sto morendo..." :-) e lui, sempre in maniera molto rassicurante e annuendo con la testa, "ce la fai, ce la fai...". E l'ostetrica facendo capolino dalla stanza accanto ripeteva come l'eco..."hai visto...ce l'hai fatta". Insomma dopo appena un ora di questa solfa mi lei sta per partorire!!! Ma va!!!Improvvisamente mi ritrovo una quantità spropositata di persone attorno, in una posizione scomodissima e la stanza piena di luce!! Vi risparmio davvero i particolari e vi dico che con tre spinte ben assestate è nata Aurora.
Erano le 23.40 e mio marito accanto a me mi ha assistito in maniera determinante. The second part will tell you the next post but now I offer you two things ... the photos of my treasures

... and a nice plate of butterflies fantasy. Just blow up in a little oil in a pan of the chunks of salmon, turn off the heat and add tomatoes, black olives and rocket salad, drain the pasta and toss with a bit of pepper and an oil

Accurate. .. the recipe is from my mom ...


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