Sunday, November 21, 2010

Poptropica Multiverse Number 2010

Soufflè con patate, pancetta e mozzarella dello Chef Saverio D'Anna

Hello, how are you? It will be the fifth time I sit down to write this recipe to your PC. Aurora, more sprightly has no intention of staying calm and lying ... David is here beside me apostrophe "Mom ... come here!" So, let's see, the photo taken in the evening ... you know its not the best recipe for a hand which is most worthy. It 's a souffle with potatoes, bacon and mozzarella and I copied from my cousin Xavier. More and more professional now easy to find his recipes on video youtube

behold, this recipe filmed. The video takes a few minutes and you are encouraged to review: the recipe is sure to be clearer.

three people I have beaten four eggs in a bowl with a pinch of salt and pepper, then I added two medium potatoes cut into cigarette (thinner and more good will be the souffle). Finally I added the chopped bacon in a cigarette and diced mozzarella. I dusted with Parmesan cheese. Place the mixture into a bowl, cook for 15 minutes at 180 degrees (oven already heated)

In verità il mio si è cotto in mezz'ora perchè il recipiente che ho usato era più alto che largo rispetto a quello del video. Voi regolatevi ovviamente in base al forno e ai vostri "strumenti"
Voilà...fate raffreddare un poco, sformate e il soufflè di Saverio è servito....Alla prossima, ho già fatto ASSAI!!!!!


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