Friday, November 19, 2010

Specific Age To Get Waxed?


Gli approfondimenti non capitano tutti i giorni e, a mio parere, quando accadono vanno condivisi. Le critiche costruttive danno la possibilità di sviscerare risposte e danno prova di una lettura attenta che non può che onorare chi scrive. 
Grazie di cuore a MEE.


I promised you I would write more calmly about the book.
Here's what I was not convinced:
But because a young guy, cool, and so upright. ends up falling in love with a complicated as the main character? Surely the reason is there, but I could not find in history and what made the relationship less real. I often wondered how one could choose a person as well as problematic. I know it may sound like a ignorant view, and I realize that the reason is the same one that binds two people for a living and that makes two of them also suffer when it seems impossible. In short, is because you love it, but I è mancato molto la fase della costruzione di questo amore difficile.
Come ha affrontato Nicola il fatto che Gabry fosse un uomo?

Ho volutamente tralasciato il fattore "dinamiche sessuali fra i due" per non intaccare la figura immaginifica del personaggio di Nico, personaggio totem di proposito. Nicola è una persona come non se ne incontrano, l' essere perfetto - come lo chiama Luisa - un uomo "innamorato dell'amore, non del contenitore", il principe azzurro che ogni trans - e non solo - sogna e, per lo stesso motivo, è spesso insopportabilmente noioso. Il mio scopo era quello di creare un contrasto forte con Gabry e con il mondo che ho dipinto attorno a lei, quindi anche con Rodolfo and Dominic contrast unconsciousness knows that love to have a stark reminder of the cynicism and disaffection. Nicholas is the man to whom you entrust with confidence, has the dangerous power to make you feel better. Dangerous because in the end, it's just a human being. Is a sin, like everyone else. What happens to a person unsure when the scaffolding of the solid which was surrounded collapses? Gabry learn to balance on his legs, but not everyone can ...

The dialogues of the "madness" at times I found them a bit 'unnecessary, plus I liked the parts where it tells the most intimate, personal one, places, characters, anecdotes.

Dialogue with Diana Prince - Mysterious Woman - serves as a filter: it is a kind of decompression chamber where you get to erase the traces of the past, the residues associated with the anecdotes, the sticky feeling, and despite the frantic tone, you return Paradoxically, this shiny.

I must say that the ending is beautiful! I liked it, accelerates the reading just as he was getting a bit 'slow: at one point I felt like hunting all that room, too many people around the bed!

the south often that friends and family from clogging up the hospitals and even outside office visits for the sick is not always ideal: happy che la sensazione di sovraffollamento sia stata captata!



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