Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Letter To Disconnect Internet

If you like my art ... part 2 - Za one koji Vole moje crteze ... 2.deo

And today I present my pins! They are absolutely adorable!
And do not say because they are mine, but because it is really so, the photos give me a reason!
This entry sets of 5 different designs (details from my pictures) and measured 3.7 cm, of excellent quality.
If you like or are interested in making a gift, you can contact me on my e-mail or go directly to my Etsy shop. Li Trovero anche dei specchietti-per chi non li abbi visti e questo il link: . html
presto ... e altre novità belle! :)


Today I present my badges that are absolutely beautiful!
I do not say because they are mine, but because it is really true, photos will show us!
set contains 5 different drawings (the details of my illustration) and amount to 3.7 cm, with excellent quality.
If you like them or you are interested to donate, you can contact me at my e-mail or go directly to my Etsy shop . There you will find the mirror-for those who have not seen here is the link:
pretty soon more news! :)


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