Saturday, January 29, 2011

Spanish Wedding Menus Examples

Chicken rolls and Philadelphia Peronaci

destroyed the whole family (children, mother, brother, brother in law, grandchildren and all) by this terrible flu this month of January brings with it, I do not lose heart and try to update the blog. Not long ago the tivvù mom told me that he had seen a recipe made famous with the spreads, which had tried to make it delicious and it was coming. He had kept the rolls that I would try the next day. Special effects in these rolls were. Too bad you've eaten a little heated, and then dry

I, who these days do not have time to scratch my head, let alone see tivvù and complaints, in passing from one feeding Tigga and see your paintings in my kitchen the legendary Sonia Peronaci Site GialloZafferano and I stop .... but ... but ... now makes claims tivvu? But .. but ... is the recipe for Mom ....!!!! Troooopppppo forteeee!
For people like me had no way of seeing the advertisement are the ingredients and procedure.

Ingredients: slices of chicken breasts well beaten, Philadelphia, Genovese zucchini, bacon (my mom used the bacon) and cooked ham. Wine, sage, salt and butter
Procedure: grate the zucchini genovese, add it to the philadelphia cream, spread on slices of chicken, lay a slice of ham, close the wound on the roll bacon (or bacon) and string. Doing it in a pan with butter and sage, sprinkle with white wine and cook for twenty minutes ... the dish is ready!
'm a fan of Sonia on Facebook and I saw the recipe through a link to her published . I put the link but I do not know if you can see if you have not registered to Facebook! There remains to follow the pecking tivvù and the advertising! :-)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kates Playground In Showerstream

Sonia Di Lazzaro, influences, broken washing machines and showers midnight

What a beautiful January ... yes yes ... just beautiful ... practically insane asylum! It all started on January 4 ... .. Aurora with cough and phlegm ... and 15 I was baptized ... Basically, we got enough to fit with a course of antibiotics and cortisone aerosol (three months ... ... you imagine three months and already knows well the aerosol with cortisone !!!). Filed baptism began to drive me crazy David. The child with fever and cough (all again today ') and down with the whims and vomiting ... you would not think to see it?

Last night we got really the limit. After yet another rebuke to David because of fever with 38.6 to 23.00 and still did not sleep ... .. even jumped on the bed .... I have prepared the milk, and after drinking it I took it to the couch rocking ... and down .... parapaaaaa all milk vomiting .... everywhere: in my hair, on the wallpaper, just put it in the pajamas a few minutes ... I was undecided whether to scream with all of myself and do call 113 from neighbors resulting in admission to the asylum or to stay calm and keep everything inside. I opted for this last solution ... the end ... what crime has he

I looked dead scared imagining my hysterical screams. In silence I took him to the bathroom, I undressed, I re-washed and covered with clean pajamas, unlined and the couch after you start the program in the machine I got a shower with shampoo (that pleasure, at last a little peace) ... it was midnight, I had just finished drying my hair and to my surprise I see him coming out of the bathroom still awake and perky mom who wanted to sleep! Nooooooooooooo!

Ok, after having fallen asleep "David has gone for now," I thought coming out of the bedroom and satisfied that I see? Pupetta in arm with my husband awake and perky ... she waited for the soft bosom of mother to sleep ... The day is over ... will not be worse tomorrow, I thought ... but ...

From this morning's fight with David, who does not take the drugs even under threat of suppositories and injections, Pupetta that still makes the soft poo and dirty all the time and last but not least ... the washing machine I do not spin, forcing me to hand wash all the havoc that combine my children (one vomiting, the other crap)! It is not over ... Aurora starts to cough ... No, just, please, let me go on vacation! Anyway thanks is owed to me: to my mom every morning these days of total chaos is at home to help me out ...

In all this a few days ago I celebrated the funeral of my beloved sourdough since Aurora was born I had not dried up refreshed and lying in the bottom of the fridge. I had heard that you could freeze and I had just a bit from frozen. With so much trust and love a few days ago I pulled out of the freezer, thaw and I waited ... I refreshed after 24 hours was practically the itself, was not increased even half a millimeter ... I got discouraged and I refreshed again. Wrapped in a cover and kept another 48 hours. The rise was minimal, almost imperceptible, was the throwing but to my surprise, after taking it from the bowl I noticed that it began to be bubbles. With all the energy and the stubbornness of these days, even to vent a little, last night I shot, cooled, mixed long if it were an anti-stress and returned to rest wrapped in the pail. Here it is after 12 hours ...: LAZZARO

These are rewards ... the road is still long ... it will take other refreshments close to bring it back like before, but I will succeed and, above all, as it comes back it ricongelerò skate a bit. So if you have the dough I suggest you freeze a piece ... it really works but you have so much faith, love and stubbornness.
Finally, sorry for the rant of this post and you are not looking too expressive or syntax errors, I wrote all of breath ... I felt like writing is really good to let off steam almost as much as the mix sourdough!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Quo Cosmetics Optical Illusion Concealer

My first showcase and Giveaway-Moja prva vitrina the Giveaway

I am very proud and pleased to present the cabinet with my work!
It is located in Spoleto and in these days of my necklaces, mirrors and some prints are combined with other accessories from the winter collection. (Thanks to Serena for this wonderful occasion).
And to celebrate this event and also because it is Valentine's Day approaching, I organize this Giveaway, where the winner will be rewarded with my Paper-doll Valentina (on the occasion of Valentine's Day). If the attendance will be massive (I hope so), take out a second award came with a surprise!
The rules are the same, leave the comment (just one) and posted the link of this post on your blog or in the pages of Facebook.Avete time from now until 5 febbraio.Buona luck!


S ponosom vam predstavljam izlog mojim radovima know! Nalazi if u Spoletu, blizu Perudje i moje ovih dana ce ogrlice, ogledalca i par stampi biti izlozene za prodaju sa drugim zimskim asesorijatom!(Na zalost fotografije su sa mobilnog i nisu bas kvalitetne).
Za ovu lepu priliku i zbog neizbeznog dolaska dana zaljubljenih, odlucila sam da priredim giveaway gde ce nagrada biti moja Paper doll Valentina!
Ako pristup bude massivan,bice jos jedan poklon- iznenadjenje -za drugog srecnog dobitnika!
Pravila su uvek ista,ostavite komentar i objavite link od ovog posta na vasu stranicu bloga ili na facebook,imate vremena od danas do 5 februara.Srecno!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Japanese Hair Straighteningbrampton

wrapper vodka

Today I'm not going to write much, time is always very poco.Ogni first time I eat this I am reminded of the sweet Aunt Rosy and I do take a little melancholy. And 'she who taught me even when I was 16. The passion for the cuisine, though I had already ...

the aunt will dedicate a separate post for another recipe, this time I will only give you the recipe using the piece of paper that I wrote long time ago ...

the butterflies ... I used half the pens I have not found!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Does United Health Care Cover Sleep Disorders?

Meet Valentina-Predstavljam vam Valentinu

seems that things with my online shops begin to move, (especially the Italian), possibly because of the necklaces that are so much liked, especially the cameo ( link here for those who do not had yet seen) and that, unfortunately, were few and ended subito.Sono overjoyed!
Now I present to you the sweet-Valentina paper doll that brings thoughts of love for the day of Saint Valentino.Anche she seems to be a success, liked it so much more detailed information about Valerie can be found here:
In altre cose nuove programma, ci aggiorniamo presto!
Un grande abbraccio a tutti! :)


It seems to be a thing with my on-line radnjcama finally move, (especially with the Italian site), probably because of the Necklace much liked, especially the cameo ( link here for those who have not yet seen) but unfortunately they were few and were immediately made me very happy nestale.To!
now present to you the sweet-Valentine paper doll brings a message of love the day of Saint Valentina.Deluje she will have a discreet success, like it is! Valentine can be found here:
plan more new things, see you soon!
Big hug to everyone! :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Irs Direct Deposit Refund January 2010 How Long

Chestnut Crepes with radicchio, cheese and walnut sauce

The last post was dedicated to the chestnut crepes and as promised I'll show you a recipe. I liked it a lot but I also experiment with other fillings.

for 12 crepes Ingredients diameter 13 (pan diameter 20): a radicchio, 150 grams of Taleggio, a splash of red wine, a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, olive oil and 100 grams of sauce nuts. Or you can buy it ready ... wait for my next recipe will be just the nut sauce!
Procedure: Made the 12 crepes following the instructions and the doses given in this post , finely chopped radicchio and sauté in a pan with a tablespoon of olive oil and blended with wine. Add salt and pepper. Let it wither and dry completely, it will take about 10 minutes on medium flame.

Cool the crepes filled with radicchio and also by combining pieces of Taleggio (three to four pancakes each). Close crescent and place on baking sheet

Spread each crescent above the walnut sauce and sprinkled with coarsely grated parmesan cheese.

Bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

The combination of flavors is perfect, sorattutto nuts chestnuts. Maybe I find a little stronger flavor of radicchio, but overall, if you like this vegetable can not not like these pancakes .... try again next time varying the filling. I thought of chopped mushrooms .. I can not wait to try again!

Vol .. what do you think?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Rocking High Chair Plans

recipes: chestnut crepe

place like this recipe, as a basic recipe, before I lose my dose ... I'll show you later as I have used. These crepes I've seen in the famous transmission Antonella Clerici and I was immediately impressed. It will be because I love chestnuts ...
Ingredients: 100 grams of chestnut flour, 65 grams of flour, 2 eggs and 250 ml of water.
Procedure: Create a batter by beating first with a whisk eggs, flour and little by little cold water. Let rest at least half an hour.

Heat a pan with a little oil past with a paper towel, make crepes. With these doses and for a pan with a diameter of 22 it will be six. In a previous post I explained very well how to make crepes without sticking or burning. And so I will not repeat

This is the end result ... the next time you see the use of facial ... sweet and salty!

communication service ... Congratulations that my mother-in-law Marie birthday today!! Here is a photo taken recently off while the candles along with grandchildren Luca and Davide

Friday, January 7, 2011

Pain Between Shoulder Blades And Tingling

To mark the Epiphany : pasta with radicchio, chicken and fontina, or ...

... split the pot Julie ... Returning from Christmas vacation in Rome, my mom told me about a delicious meal in a crust eaten during a pleasant evening spent at the home of friends of my brother and my sister in law: Pierpaolo and Giuliana. Enthusiastic wasted no time and at the first opportunity, on the eve of the Epiphany, he realized. And indeed I must say that was delicious and a must keep in mind for next buffet with friends!

Ingredients: a roll of pastry, a radicchio, 200 grams of chicken breasts cut into strips, a leek, a pack of cream, 100 grams of fontina cheese, half a glass of white wine. To spice: salt, pepper and rosemary
Procedure: In a saute pan with olive oil and add the finely chopped leek and chicken and radicchio cut into strips too thin. Evaporate the white wine and cook over medium heat until it is all cooked and quite dry. Flavor with salt, pepper and rosemary.

Just ready to cool and add the package of cream. Prepare the dough by putting cubed fontina first and then the entire compound.

well. My mom did double dose and then used to close two sheets of puff pastry (I'm in a different color because of two different brands!)

Bake at 180 degrees for twenty minutes (thirty minutes if you also double dose) and allow to cool.

Serve warm ... I assure you ... goodness not at all evident from pictures taken with little care for the great care that we had to eat and celebrate the Twelfth Night celebrations ... that all takes away.
I can only thank Julie for the recipe (if you have other good ... so tell me tell me ....) and mother for having made the dish and photos. I sometimes ... so I rest. :-)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

How Much Are My Tech Decks Worth

The Blog of La Prima Donna ...

... ha traslocato!

Qui troverai tutti gli aggiornamenti che cerchi, e li potrai leggere uno di seguito all'altro.

Selezionando La Prima Donna tra le etichette, a sinistra del blog.

Accendo sotto la moka e ti aspetto lì.