Monday, January 24, 2011

Quo Cosmetics Optical Illusion Concealer

My first showcase and Giveaway-Moja prva vitrina the Giveaway

I am very proud and pleased to present the cabinet with my work!
It is located in Spoleto and in these days of my necklaces, mirrors and some prints are combined with other accessories from the winter collection. (Thanks to Serena for this wonderful occasion).
And to celebrate this event and also because it is Valentine's Day approaching, I organize this Giveaway, where the winner will be rewarded with my Paper-doll Valentina (on the occasion of Valentine's Day). If the attendance will be massive (I hope so), take out a second award came with a surprise!
The rules are the same, leave the comment (just one) and posted the link of this post on your blog or in the pages of Facebook.Avete time from now until 5 febbraio.Buona luck!


S ponosom vam predstavljam izlog mojim radovima know! Nalazi if u Spoletu, blizu Perudje i moje ovih dana ce ogrlice, ogledalca i par stampi biti izlozene za prodaju sa drugim zimskim asesorijatom!(Na zalost fotografije su sa mobilnog i nisu bas kvalitetne).
Za ovu lepu priliku i zbog neizbeznog dolaska dana zaljubljenih, odlucila sam da priredim giveaway gde ce nagrada biti moja Paper doll Valentina!
Ako pristup bude massivan,bice jos jedan poklon- iznenadjenje -za drugog srecnog dobitnika!
Pravila su uvek ista,ostavite komentar i objavite link od ovog posta na vasu stranicu bloga ili na facebook,imate vremena od danas do 5 februara.Srecno!


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