Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What Does It Feel Like To Have Anenlarged Spleen

Ricette base: ragù di carne

Ingredients: onion, two medium carrots, 1 pound of ground meat (beef or only 5oo 500 cattle and pig), 200 grams of Spring peas, a bottle of tomato sauce, 70 grams of tomato paste (instead of the concentrate to add another half a bottle of tomato sauce, or instead of the sauce in the bottle for a smaller sauce using only a can of tomato paste medium), two liters of water shortages. Salt, pepper and nutmeg.
procedure: we start with the onion and chop the carrots finely and let's do it dry in two tablespoons of olive oil. Combine the ground meat and fry gently for good, seasoned with salt, pepper and nutmeg. When ready add the tomato sauce, tomato paste, peas and water to half cover with lid and cook on low heat for at least an hour. The sauce is ready. Obviously, if we do that we need smaller tighten again.

sauce recipes with: pie lasagna

anelletti baked
Pennette San Giovannella
Gateau Potato Palermo
Greek Moussaka


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