Friday, January 7, 2011

Pain Between Shoulder Blades And Tingling

To mark the Epiphany : pasta with radicchio, chicken and fontina, or ...

... split the pot Julie ... Returning from Christmas vacation in Rome, my mom told me about a delicious meal in a crust eaten during a pleasant evening spent at the home of friends of my brother and my sister in law: Pierpaolo and Giuliana. Enthusiastic wasted no time and at the first opportunity, on the eve of the Epiphany, he realized. And indeed I must say that was delicious and a must keep in mind for next buffet with friends!

Ingredients: a roll of pastry, a radicchio, 200 grams of chicken breasts cut into strips, a leek, a pack of cream, 100 grams of fontina cheese, half a glass of white wine. To spice: salt, pepper and rosemary
Procedure: In a saute pan with olive oil and add the finely chopped leek and chicken and radicchio cut into strips too thin. Evaporate the white wine and cook over medium heat until it is all cooked and quite dry. Flavor with salt, pepper and rosemary.

Just ready to cool and add the package of cream. Prepare the dough by putting cubed fontina first and then the entire compound.

well. My mom did double dose and then used to close two sheets of puff pastry (I'm in a different color because of two different brands!)

Bake at 180 degrees for twenty minutes (thirty minutes if you also double dose) and allow to cool.

Serve warm ... I assure you ... goodness not at all evident from pictures taken with little care for the great care that we had to eat and celebrate the Twelfth Night celebrations ... that all takes away.
I can only thank Julie for the recipe (if you have other good ... so tell me tell me ....) and mother for having made the dish and photos. I sometimes ... so I rest. :-)


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