Monday, March 14, 2011

Got Pregnant Never Had Egg White Cervical Mucas

Port in a Roman dinner .. hot!!

Good start to the week everyone! Today I want to tease, to start with the right spirit this week .. of course if you like hot or spicy side of life.
Yesterday as the day promised only rain rain and yet I thought I would devote myself to the preparation of pizzas .. and given that even if it pours in my house guests never fail (are brave!) I decided to prepare the classical Romana (we are so Chama 'pizza tomato mozzarella and anchovies), but with a note given to him by the tasty and spicy ... spicy anchovies of Rizzoli, a Made in Italy of success and goodness'!
The Rizzoli was born in Turin, the father and son Emanuele Luigi prepare the recipe today and 'still a hit, the anchovies in spicy sauce, and thanks to generations with passion and caring in bringing innovation Companies ; have never neglected the attention to detail and respect for tradition and spread the brand name for 100 years depicting three gnomes as a symbol of good luck (health, luck, longevity ').

With Rizzoli that allowed me to try and confirm the goodness' of their great success.
That 's the whole picture of the threads, in fact you will not find pieces like fillets or in tin box golden but real whole fillets in a very special sauce ...

What about pizza and 'was devoured without shame!
800 gri d durum wheat semolina, 400 grams of water, 7 grams of yeast, oil and salt.
anchovies in a spicy sauce of Rizzoli , buffalo mozzarella, fresh tomato, olive oil.
Ho impastato la semola con l'acqua il ievito sciolto l'olio e il sale per ultimo , lasciato lievitare per 7 ore circa ben coperto,diviso in 3 panetti e farcita con le alici ,il pomodoro un filo d'olio e cotta in forno.

Solo prima di servire ho messo dei pezzetti di mozzarella di bufala,rimesso in forno qualche secondo e servita con un filo d'olio .
Molto molto gustosa!!!
Scusate se non l'ho impiattata a dovere,ma l'odorino e la fame mi ha impedito di trattenere gli ospiti per l'assalto finale...
Vi auguro un buon proseguimento and hold on the primvera sooner or later will knock 'on our doorstep ...
Kisses and see you soon!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Seizure While Shopping

Ravioli sweet pastry

good Sunday .. even dull in your area? Here has not stopped 3 seconds ... not even tell me which company do with this trick?
As always fast, easy and very tasty filling inside ... you will find a taste of figs Fiordifrutta of Rigoni di Asiago embellished with a touch of caviar for Ciccolo but ... ' !
1 roll of puff pastry, fresh, Fiordifrutta figs of Rigoni di Asiago , Chococaviar Venchi (to taste) powdered sugar and sugar canna.Stampi for ravioli.
Preparation: With a pastry rings
a round mold or cut the dough into discs, place them on the ravioli mold (the mold dusted with icing sugar) filled with jam and the Chocoaviar and close.

put it in a baking tray lined with baking paper and brush the surface with milk and sprinkle sugar cane.

Bake until golden brown and serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.
I'm going to prepare you '... then you look!
Good evening and the next.

* With this recipe I participate in the Contest Marmalade''that passione''di Mammahelp .

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Kind Of Paint Do You Use On Headstones

Esclusiva, intervista con Stefan Bell (Germania,1991): “L’Inter? Adesso è un po’ presto, ma in futuro chissà…”

nome: STEFAN 
cognome: BELL 

data di nascita: 24 agosto 1991 
luogo di nascita: Andernach
[Renania-Palatinato - GERMANIA] 

piede preferito: destro 

Altezza: 192 cm 
Peso: 86 kg 

Squadra attuale: TSV 1860 MüNCHEN
[Zweite Liga – Germania] 

Numero di maglia # 3

Nell’aprile 2010, i mass-media avevano dato un po’ troppo frettolosamente la notizia dell’ingaggio da parte dell’ Internazionale FC of the promising central defender German Stefan Bell, born in '91 under the Mainz.
In fact, as we all know the deal did not go into port, and the young Stefan is playing the 2010-2011 season on loan at
Monaco 1860 , revealing itself as a bargain Zweite Liga's best players. At the beginning of the new year the market rumors are back to bite, yet another indiscretion with the Nerazzurri, this time determined to block the Teutonic talent in cooperation with Genoa, after the satisfactory operation-Frog. Yet, according to some German sources, on the trail of sought-after defender seems to have inserted forcefully also Udinese, what is the truth? On the basis of incorrect information given in the spring, and in the meantime advising caution as most "experts transfers" around the Old World, we went to learn more about the ambitious Bell, a smart guy and helpful, which decided to accept with cordiality of our questions.

Stefan Then, no doubt about it: your performance ... You do not go unnoticed in your first season as a starter, but for a couple of years can boast a better list of admirers.

Yeah, at least according to what is around tell ... But I like to stay focused on the present, and live my career every day. The words, usually, I slipped on, for better or worse.

attitude more than acceptable. In any event, the championship is proving all the glowing reports about you, do you?

Well, while I thank you. Indeed, from a personal point of view I can not complain, I'm making good progress and experience in lending in the Second Division is proving to be a good test, because the level is not low as you might think in advance, so many good players be addressed, and equipped teams as Hertha Berlin
FC Augsburg, SpVgg Greuther Fürth, Bochum and Erzgebirge Aue.
Zweite Liga The category is a very difficult and surly, and get results is not easy, believe me.

La tua squadra è la prova lampante di ciò che stai dicendo; dopo un buon inizio, vi siete un po’ arenati lungo il percorso.

Sì, infatti, è proprio così. Nella prima parte della stagione ci siamo comportati molto bene, dopo la sconfitta 2-3 in casa del Bochum all’esordio abbiamo reagito con personalità, battendo con merito il VfL Osnabrück (3-1) ed ottenendo una bella doppia vittoria in trasferta sia contro il Fortuna Düsseldorf (2-1) che in casa dell’Augsburg (ancora 2-1), in seguito all’altra battuta d’arresto sul difficile campo del MSV Duisburg
(1-2, double decisive Srdjan Baljak ed) to the third.

Your debut came in just the second day, you mentioned that match at the Allianz Arena against VfL Osnabrück,
August 29, 2010.

Yeah, a big thrill for me. At first we were a bit 'contracts, partly because of the defeat in the previous match, and his legs were still a bit' packed under the intense summer training. I myself paid the penalty of excessive nervousness "conquest," so if you can 'speak, avoided a yellow card after only thirty-two minutes of play. However, goals from Djordje Rakic \u200b\u200bbetween 11 'and 35' have literally unlocked while I was beginning to become familiar with the form of Mr. Reiner Maurer after their momentary tie, signed by the twenty-eighth Nils Hansen . At the end we have legitimized the score, and it was very nice to start my adventure with that game.

After only a month, came the signature on your first match report of the markers, with the specialty della casa: un imperioso stacco aereo.

Il 26 settembre, per l’esattezza, e proprio in quella trasferta di cui ti parlavo prima, quando siamo andati a vincere all’Impuls Arena di Augsburg. Fantastico soprattutto perché è stato il gol-vittoria, siglato sfruttando al 71’ il cross di Benjamin Lauth, dopo che Traoré aveva riacciuffato la parità per loro otto minuti successivi alla rete di Stefan Aigner. Il mio pezzo forte?
Beh sì, cerco di sfruttare le mie doti fisiche (192x86, ndr) al meglio nei calci piazzati, ogni volta che posso mi spingo in avanti per provare a segnare. My other league goal came in just this way, at home to FSV Frankfurt, crushing the head of 52 'cut a fine free-kick by Alexander Ludwig, Nov. 21 in front of our audience. Unfortunately, in that case came only a draw, since we made naively replace between 58 'and 72', just while leading 3-1 in no particular worries: what a pity! That lack of success has affected us a lot in the rest of the season.

of Pluto gol in situazioni di palla inattiva, ma anche una buona predisposizione alla costruzione della manovra. Da semplici osservatori, abbiamo molto apprezzato infatti la tua prestazione
in Karlsruher–Monaco 1860 2-4 del 30 ottobre al Wildparkstadion, quando hai servito due assist in cinque minuti per i compagni d’attacco.

Grazie mille! Hai ragione, quella forse è stata in assoluto la mia miglior partita stagionale, anche per il prestigio della vittoria ed il risultato sonante ottenuto. Il primo passaggio l’ho fatto al 55’ per il momentaneo 0-2 firmato dal mio collega di reparto Bülow, mentre at 60 'I could unmark Lauth in the penalty area. I really like to try to give my contribution to develop the game of my team right from the rear, it is always important to have good foot and try not to ever sweep the ball away as the defenders of the past. In modern football, the components of the rear package must develop a vision of the game and fairly soft touch, which is why I try to practice successfully in training.
It 's always a great satisfaction to be able to send your partner in a network, see his joy and receive the thanks is really a fantastic feeling, I'm not a director, but when I try I can ... well I hope to make many more in the future.

Meanwhile, another you could put the cabbages, serving Lauth still playing far more unfortunate ...

Yes, that's a memory much more bitter last January 15 at home with Bochum at 72 'have inspired Benjamin to an illusory right balance, before we punish between Aydin and Dabrowski 78' 83.
The year 2011 was very negative, that is why I was talking about before a long decline that we have endured in this second part of the season.
Dopo quell’infausto match, infatti, siamo riusciti a far bottino pieno solo nelle trasferte contro il “solito” VfL Osnabrück e l’1.FC Union Berlino (1-0 in entrambe le occasioni, ndr), raccogliendo due sconfitte e tre pareggi: un magro bilancio, purtroppo, inutile nasconderlo.

Attualmente occupate la decima casella in classifica, distanti dodici punti dal terzo posto. Potremmo sintetizzare i motivi analizzando una difesa accorta a fronte di un attacco spuntato?

Esattamente. Beh, la promozione Bundesliga is obviously a mirage, as we said before there are teams much more compact and deep on the roster, especially on the offensive side. I think we have lost relatively little in the league (9 wins - draws 9 - 7 defeats, ed), only two times more than the current leader of the ranking (Hertha Berlin,
5 games missed), and chase to a long distance Fortuna Düsseldorf, beaten even 12 times during the season, unfortunately, often do not realize we were able to match the more balanced, the cylinder where it is needed to extract the elusive "perfect game" to be right opponent, accusing a sterility realization frankly worrying. In a nutshell, we have scored just 28 goals in 25 matches, while conceding only 26. The fifth best defense in the tournament, but unfortunately the fifth worst attack I would say that the numbers tell all, more than any attempt at analysis technical and tactical. However we must not lack of motivation, our goal is to try to close the tournament with dignity, after Friday's draw at home against Rot-Weiss Oberhausen (1-1) will face an insidious Sunday field trip dell'Arminia Bielefeld, lagging tail and maybe done for now about the demotion, we still have to be careful about their pride, dimostrando maturità e rilanciandoci con una bella vittoria per provare a risalire la classifica e scalare qualche posizione, magari più consona e degna delle nostre prestazioni complessive.

Il tuo contributo alla solidità difensiva è stato piuttosto evidente. Come ti sei trovato a giocare con colleghi di reparto esperti come l’estremo difensore magiaro Gabor Kiraly, e i tuoi partner centrali Stefan Buck e Kai Bülow?

Molto bene, davvero. E’ indubbio che avere la possibilità di stare in campo con compagni così smaliziati, protagonisti da anni sui campi tedeschi, è stato un vantaggio non indifferente per la mia graduale crescita, anche perché mi hanno fatto sentire sin da subito parte integrante del gruppo, nonostante fossi un giovane in prestito appartenente ad un altro club. Inoltre, puoi imparare qualcosa da loro quotidianamente, sia in allenamento che nei comportamenti fuori dal rettangolo verde, confrontarti con persone mature e professionali è un’occasione di crescita interiore che devi saper cogliere, ed io ho cercato di farlo con tutta l’umiltà e l’abnegazione di cui sono capace.

I tuoi modelli “esterni”? You know that many fans just trying to frame a talent previously, labeled with the nasty words "New ...". We do not like at all this fashion, but there is a counterpart in the role that try to inspire,
your child?

I agree with you, it's always unpleasant to try to compare every youngster facing the public eye with a famous footballer and said, in my opinion, every child should have the opportunity to grow slowly, also learning from their mistakes and maturing on the field, the only vero “metro di paragone” a cui devi raffrontarti. Per inciso, io credo che un giocatore possa migliorarsi sempre, anche quando si sente già arrivato; sono fermamente convinto che anche i più grandi campioni traggano insegnamenti da ogni singolo match disputato, anzi, questa è proprio una delle qualità che li contraddistingue e li rende tanto forti. E se stelle già conclamate provano a migliorare il loro modo di giocare e si sforzano di crescere, prova ad immaginare quanto impegno dobbiamo metterci noi, che abbiamo ancora tutto da dimostrare… Per quanto mi riguarda, come ti dicevo poc’anzi mi piace esercitarmi anche in fase di possesso palla, cercando di sviluppare capacità di lettura della partita e soprattutto situations that present themselves before me, one of the basic skills to become a good defender. Understanding the intentions of the attacker, and opponent quality are anticipating really fundamental, possibly to mix with a good basic speed, especially in the short, and the ability to handle the ball with his feet to get out more tangled head-breakers and with authority. In marking, try to be as clean as possible in interventions, using the ball as a point of reference in order to limit the fouls or behavior to the limit ". Some models in this regard? Well, in my role as there are around a lot 'of great performers, difficult to choose qualcuno… i primi due nomi che mi vengono in mente sono quelli di Gerard Piqué del Barcellona e Mats Hummels del Borussia Dortmund, tanto per rimanere nei confini nazionali.

Lo scorso agosto hai prolungato il tuo contratto con il 1.FSV Mainz 05 sino al giugno 2013, mettendo a tacere le rumorose sirene di mercato che ti riguardavano. Come hai vissuto, dalla Baviera, l’ottima Bundesliga del tuo club d’appartenenza, sino a novembre in testa alla Bundesliga 2010-2011 grazie ad interessanti prospetti Schurrle as André, Adam Szalai, Sami Allagui, Lewis Holtby ...

They were really fantastic, Congratulations to my future classmates! Last summer I worked with them in pre-season pick, and I was really convinced they were a young group and insidious opponents also very popular, but a performance level so high it surprised me too, not just the insiders. I really enjoy watching them play and their performances, I think for most of the year have developed by far the best football of the season, earning all the praise on the field more convinced. It would be wonderful to succeed ad ottenere il pass per l’Europa League, mentre sperare in una qualificazione in Champions League puo’ apparire poco realistico, chissà… Dal canto mio, posso solo tifare per loro da lontano, convinto di aver fatto la scelta giusta nel prolungare di un ulteriore biennio il mio contratto con il Mainz: questa società è la piattaforma ideale per me, e potrà rappresentare un bel trampolino di lancio verso il futuro, specie se la dirigenza continuerà a perseguire una politica tanto illuminata sui giovani talenti, affamati di visibilità e dotati di qualità da non sottovalutare.

Sei approdato al ‘Der Karnevalsverein’ of Mainz in 2007, coming from TuS Mayen, and after having played between 2002 and 2006 JSG Rieden / Wehr / Volkesfeld near Andernach, where you were born August 24, 1991. As you have noted the leaders of
'Die Nullfünfer'?

The information in your possession are all correct, congratulations!
How did their interest in me? Well, simple: at youth level, the TuS Mayen military in the same category of Mainz, and I decided one day to score two goals in the club about my future ... From there the pace was pretty quick. As you rightly said, I have always been part of teams of Rhineland-Palatinate, my own home town belongs to the Landkreis (rural district, ed) Mayen-Koblenz. When he arrived at Mainz during the die-Jugend in 2008-2009 I collected 3 goals and 25 appearances with the Under-19 A-Junioren Bundesliga Süd / Südwest, the following year but 19 / 2, but still managed to experience in the Regionalliga West, putting together three appearances with the Mainz II. It 'important part of a team gradually, the politics of small steps is always right and wise to the young, the important thing is to feel the confidence in their own respect, and the Club of Mainz for this was impeccable.

Speaking of confidence, feel the pressure of expectations to you? The experts consider you as one of the best talent from all over Germany, and even one of the strongest central defensive Under 20 in Europe. How should we relate to such judgments?

blithely ignoring them! No, come on, a joke. It 'clear, first so pleased to be deemed promising, but believe me, nobody knows better than me what are some random comments, especially in the swirling world of football. One day you're a rising star, the other a boy is not ready for the so-called "kick counts", just an error or provide a bit 'pale and everyone is able to renege on their opinions, as initially enthusiastic. I am only focused on myself, my teammates, my team, my small / large targets and talk just does not interest me, whether or not flattering to my account. I like playing football, I love the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving this great opportunity to compete at a professional level, and being very picky I try every day to improve myself, to be a footballer ever more worthy and complete. They are concentrated on too many issues, I have no time to feel pressure on my shoulders, believe me.

Words to subscribe in full. Can you give us your version about the deal with Inter Milan last spring?
looks set to arrive early in Italy.

Yeah, exactly. Some media, for all I know, I think they had already confirmed my signature on the contract but not it went exactly like that.
In short, I arrived in Italy with my family and my agent to discuss with leaders Inter, who will never stop thanking you for your interest in me. I will be trivial, but it is evident that to be the notebook of a club so glorious it is an honor not insignificant, and therefore deserve as much respect and gratitude on my part. However, after a couple of weeks, the negotiations did not go into port, and I think I made the right decision. Just in those days, Inter was winning the Champions League and were champions in the squad as Walter Samuel, Lucio ... It would have been difficile ritagliarmi uno spazio nella stagione alle porte, ed ho sentito forte il bisogno di dover giocare in questo preciso punto della mia carriera. Per un ragazzo di diciannove anni, avere l’opportunità di esibirsi con continuità è indispensabile, solo affrontando partite di un certo spessore agonistico puoi riuscire a progredire tecnicamente ed allo stesso tempo acquisire l’esperienza necessaria, prima di confrontarti a certi livelli. Sono fermamente convinto che aver giocato in prestito al Monaco 1860 sia stato personalmente più produttivo, per quanto certo non prestigioso come un eventuale militanza nel club campione d’Europa in carica.
Nel caso, ci sarà tempo…

meantime continue to stay focused on your goals, no?

You can say that! My biggest dream is to begin in first Bundesliga next year already, is a child who works hard in training to deserve such a privilege and limestone those fields will be seen only on TV in childhood great. Then we will have to watch the Germany Under 21, born in 1991 since we have a duty to rescue our colleagues in the 89-90 biennium, surprisingly eliminated from the Final Round of the 2011 European Group 5 at the hands of the Czech Republic and Iceland. And then ... who knows what the future holds for me. Meanwhile, I greet with affection your readers from the UK: a people are very nice, and maybe one day the person is unable to enjoy the delights of your kitchen ...

Marco Oliva FUTBOLANDIA Dreamin '

What Happens If You Dont Report Accident To Dmv

News ... from my blog

Dear recipes today nothing but a great novita'da my blog today opens the door to a new initiative .... It will also follow the other ..
I propose a series of interviews with niche manufacturers to enter the gluttony theme of Made in Italy food & beverage. I turned to a professional editorial, Simon de Nisco , which takes care of another magazine "House Style" visible on the site and other sites and blogs for the first conversation that will follow.

chat with Monica Room, Head of Marketing Main San Cassiano Alba.

(Monica Room)

Monica, dimmi, perché lo slogan da voi scelto è “Trasparenti con gusto”?

Ti dirò che non è soltanto uno slogan. Noi siamo trasparenti e questo non vuol dire solo che i nostri vasetti “orcetto” lasciano intravedere i contenuti che quindi non sono nascosti abilmente ma lo siamo in quanto tutto ciò che Cascina San Cassiano produce riflette criteri di trasparenza. A partire dai nuovissimi stabilimenti che sono stati creati a misura di sicurezza e sono controllati con estremo rigore.

Dammi degli esempi di trasparenza .

Le materie prime. Noi acquistiamo ciò che poi utilizzeremo per produrre le nostre specialità praticamente a chilometro-zero in quanto i nostri fornitori sono produttori di verdura e frutta a noi vicini e selezionati con pignoleria estrema, per esser sicuri della qualità. E’ logico però che alcuni prodotti della terra che non sono piemontesi ce li facciamo inviare da aziende agricole “sicure” di altre regioni. Privilegiamo ove possibile anche le colture biologiche perché si sposano con la nostra visuale d’insieme.

Una cosa mi impensierisce sempre quando acquisto prodotti confezionati, soprattutto sottoli o salse. Usate dyes, for example? And where do the spices?

worry. We do not use dyes so the colors are quite natural and not "solicited" artificially. We use only then Mediterranean spices.

How are recipes?

We invent the best or our technical team revises the old recipes often food for family or other traditional Piedmont (Langhe mostly) and Italian in general and we rely on successful experiments after also the group "Tasters" in-house influenced us with suggestions for alterations or additions or other ingredients.

What is the product that gave you greater satisfaction in time?

range from salty to sweet flavors in a declination of very varied. The product line has achieved more successes, and not a single product, I would say, is that of the above sauces with vegetables: asparagus, radicchio, eggplant, pumpkin ... a myriad of flavors for use with the fast paste (our butterflies), or to enrich rice with canapés and bruschetta. Recently, we have launched market a line of butters that will make the dishes very special (cardamom, cinnamon and ginger, sage, anchovy, orange). Have to try.

sell abroad?
is a lot. We are an expression of "made in Italy and we want to continue on this difficult path because it assumes consistency and constancy.

Monica is making me a taste of Moscato Mousse flavors so harmonious ... The Easter propose an accompaniment to my sweet, will be a surprise.

Hello Monica, the next .
Hello, let us feel I'll give you news of new creations. By the way, have you tried our mustard peppers? They are very special and like them too because who does not like mustard combine with cheese, meat sauces, little fish ... a delicious temptation.

*** Have a good weekend and thanks for taking a bit of your time to something that is useful and that shows in all transparency and loyalty 'of the products we use and test then in our recipes that we propose to our readers.
the next recipe ... hello!

Even site you will find the publication of the interview.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sample Letter To Priest For Marriage

the Mediterranean to the table .... linguine with pate 'amberjack and ....

Hello my friends today, Friday, 'the long awaited weekend and' come and we hope that these days there solegggiate Tengan well together.
Today in my table a proposal Sicilian, well then you are being Sicilian myself I could not tell you about a small company dedicated to the manufacture of canned fish and vegetable products such as the famous tomato Pachino IGP made rigorasamente hand. Company Campisi was born in a small fishing village in the province of Siracusa and more 'precisely Marzamemi, among them a large production of marine products Tuna, Amberjack, Grouper, Anchovies, and their derivatives .... , Mullet, and Suppizzata mosciame, products always used in seafood and fortunately thanks to these preserves, it is spreading in the kitchens of all of us, so they can enjoy and enrich our dishes.
Salvatore Campisi leading the 5th generation of handcrafted products of tuna, mullet, mullet etc., is passionately a queste lavorazioni artigianali,considerato il conoscitore dei 33° sapori del Tonno e di antiche lavorazioni artigianali ormai scomparse si rifiuta di lavorare tonni della mattanza ma solo tonni pescati all'amo per il rispetto del rapporto''Uomo Natura''
Ringrazio l'Azienda Campisi che gentilmente mi ha fornito di questi particolarissimi prodotti del Mediterrano e di cui sono stata rapita sin dal primo assaggio..e  invito tutti voi a visitare il sito se nella vostra tavola volete tutto il profumo e la migliore selezione del Mediterraneo.
Questa la mia proposta di oggi.
Semplice e gustoso questo primo dish containing the famous sweet cherry tomatoes from Pachino semi-dry (a goodness'!!!!) the delicate flavor of the pate 'of curls and a final note of my chili a little Calabrian soft piquant Sauce.
Ingredients for 4:
1vasetto of pate 'of Amberjack in olive oil, a dozen semi dried tomatoes oil Pachino, Campisi , a sprig of parsley, spring onions 2 red chillies little ones, olio.Linguine.
Bake the dough in the meantime in un tegame mettete a dorare la cipollina ,aggiungete i pomodorini di Pachino e saltateli aggiungete per ultimo il Pate' di Ricciola,sistemate di sale e solo per ultimo aggiungete i peperoncini.Scolate la pasta la dente e saltatela insieme al sughetto.
Servitela aggiungendo un ciuffetto di prezzemolo fresco.

                                  ( dishes, fabrics, glasses Wald)
This is my proposal for a simple first course from all the Mediterranean flavors!
nice day and the next proposal with the products Campisi.

Color To Match Brown Pillows

Almond shortbread with lemon cream and fruit Maria Teresa

I courted Maria Teresa ... so ... my cousin sister, a beautiful girl haired blacks, long and curly hair to be envied Afef, excellent cook, simple girl, and always with a smile. I courted her so I said to get a recipe and finally the opportunity arose on March 6, the day of my brother's birthday and the day on which she has prepared this delicious fruit tart ...

As my habit, when the recipe is not my best reflect the author's words ...
"Hello Elena here is the recipe for the crust: 350 gr flour 150 almond flour, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 150g sugar, 100g butter, soft 2 eggs, a little grated lemon rind .
Procedure: In a bowl combine the flours and cinnamon. Work together butter, sugar, egg yolks and lemon zest. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Add flour to the butter mixture, sugar and egg yolks, add the egg whites gently too. Work the mixture and after it wrapped in plastic wrap to keep in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Get out the dough from the refrigerator and roll out on baking tray. Prick and bake by placing a sheet of baking paper and beans. Hot oven 15 -20 minutes.
Lemon Cream: 1 liter milk 100 gr starch, 200 grams of sugar, the grated rind of one lemon . In a small saucepan combine the starch and sugar, zest lemon and stirring with a whisk add the milk and put on the fire until the cream thickens well.

Spread the cream (cooled) on the pastry. To garnish, use the fruit they prefer. In order not to tarnish it melt a bit of apricot jam with a little warm water and brush with this jelly. "
Happy birthday brother
... and congratulations to Maria Teresa ...

... and what about a Waffer decorated with the best wishes ... BRILLIANT!

Terry ... you're really in the cards regola per aprire un blog di cucina...pensaciiiii, c'è un mondo che ti aspetta che ha solo una controindicazione...ti prenderà così tanto da non poterne più fare a meno...vero ragazze/ì...che ne dite???

Tumble Dryer Schematic

My pesto Frastuca''''(Pistachio)

Buondi 'Today I propose my version of Pistachio Pesto, the title of the post I put the term used in some areas of 'Sicilian hinterland is still commonly called the term originated pistacchio.Il Arab Frastuca''and 'the fruit Frastucara the tree, of which our area Etnea (Bronte) has the highest production, in fact on the arid lava stone this small tree (never reaches heights of over 6 meters and the gnarled trunk) has its roots and creates these wonderful fruits. ( Here other news)
During the renovation of my house is a bricklayer's origins remained Bronte often dine with us and thanks to his I have learned the advice of the preparation of Pistachio Pesto, as well as prepare the women for generations of his family.
Given the many requests about how to prepare it at home, today I propose to you all.
Serves 4
400 grams of unsalted pistachios and fresh with the skins, salt, sugar, oil and pepper (I used white Ariosto ).

In a blender put the pistachios, salt and little sugar, a sprinkling of white pepper and with the help of a good oil started to get frullare.Dovete a creamy sauce flavored with a salty but not sweet notes (do not overdo it. regulator you with the amount 'of oil and flavorings, a why not give precise doses and that everyone has their own preferences with those who prefer a more famous 'salt, others more' sweet, then gradually add the board of the spices to suit your personal taste.
Once prepared it can 'be used as natural for a nice plate of spaghetti and in addition to cream, brandy, tomato and bacon dressing for a more' developed.
The choice is yours.
nice day and the next
* This recipe is part of raccolta''Sapori Regional ''of Ariosto.

* This
my proposal is in the Contest Tatina''Oro green Sicilian

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ultrasonic Transducers Diy

Le Piada Kebab Cinderella ...

Good day to all .. that first freddo.brrrrr to dive in cleaning the house I want to offer these piada Kebab I had seen in site of''Cinderella''in the kitchen are very good, especially quick and easy .. here its proposal ..
Thanks Josephine proposals for them on your site that I invite you to visit because 'always magnificent, full of recipes handed down from mother to daughter to granddaughter ... she is always breath smell of authenticity'!!!...... Thanks
Ingredients: 500 g
flour (I used a durum wheat semolina), 500 ml of water and oil to taste, salt, 1 packet of dry yeast.
Mix all the ingredients, you must obtain a liquid batter (but not too much ', similar to crepes) and let it stand half an hour circa.Trascorso this time, heat a frying pan and cook the small doses Piada-Kebab, turning on both sides.
Farcitela as you like. (I I've stuffed with arugula, melted cheese and bits of breaded chicken)
NB: I suggest you prepare them in the day if you use the meal, 'cause they tend to dry out easily, this' but' not happens if you use a standard meal 00.
Very good, I have prepared for a dinner between friends and I can tell you that literally went like hot cakes, accompany them to a different sauces ... goodness'!!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Emotions Cause Low Blood Pressure

woman's heart .... Arepas

Good Tuesday 'fat dear friends, today in many cities' is celebrated on the last day of Carnival and at the same time also the''''... celebrate Women's Day? Better commemorare,ricordare il sacrificio delle operaie morte in quella fabbrica,ricordare chi ogni giorno vuole affermare la sua identita' di donna senza mascherarsi dietro veli o quant'altro,ricordare chi ancora oggi si vergogna ad essere donna,chi subisce mutilazioni perche' donna......non tollero certi festeggiamenti,certe pubblicita' certe succede che ti ritrovi ad ascoltare o vedere pubblicita' e manifesti di locali,ristoranti o ad ascoltare chiacchere di donne  organizzarsi telefonicamente o sedute al tavolino di un bar per la grande serata a tema..con tanto di spogliarello..certe donne hanno davvero il cervello piccolo,ma mi auguro che dentro almeno abbiano un cuore grande..come quello di moltissime donne che ogni giorno dressed in gowns of every job, get up early again leaving dormant the puppet, relied on some granny or some stranger, and bring a piece of bread to their children, 'cause the sun, widows or choice,' cause have made great leaps fatal to take a piece of paper, to become a doctor, lawyer or an engineer ... always been considered only male professions, such as having a dream but never made 'cause first of all the honest' is part of a healthy principle .. so no bargaining no jump of quality ', then the working class and working class remains !!!... do' cause honestly and earn the bread '... hard to hear from someone''you wanted to be equal to our , works but not forget which always remains a woman ... that squalor is not it? but still there is this slice of the world ... who sees the woman only as an object of desire ... unfortunately someone is convenient to all of this career, but Fortunately the bulk of the women is not only that .. but the fight for equal rights ... I'm sorry for those who think otherwise, that we were created only to procreate, ironing, cleaning and cooking .... because ' forget that they too have been generated by a WOMAN''...''
We would be discussed, and enter into the labyrinth cultural, ethical, political, and my ... 'I thought that binds us together in so many,' cause many of us are working women, who in one day 24 hours are a thousand things without neglecting or abandoning anything or anyone ...
My sweet is just the heart of a woman .. this cake did not live on and the colors of yellow mimosa, which is just this March 8 .. (but who says that a mimosa dried must be abandoned, or thrown away ... I think that should be preserved and looked and still !!!!) because it 'every woman always knows how to give a smile, a sweet gesture or a moment of sweetness to those who love with small gestures through a recycling .
A fettozza of Mandarin Loison Panettone (can 'fit a cake pan or a few slices of stale cake) for the base of the crust I used the sponge that I stored in an airtight jar, (but may also be of biscuits) 70 g butter.
Cream Lemon's''''Siculodivini (to taste any cream or jam to taste).

Take the pan, I used this series of Spring Guardini , wrap it in greaseproof paper, and cool in the meantime, melt butter, add it to crumbs pan cake or biscuits, shaped and compacted to the bottom of the pan

pour the cream

and finish with layer of cake or sweet stale crumbs.

transfer it for a few minutes under the grill.
Serve after a few hours.
soft on the inside with stuffing and crunchy on the outside ...
This slice and 'to all of you ..

nice day and the next hello!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dehydration And Swollen Parotid Glands


Happy Monday everyone! Today a typical dish of South American arepas .. you know ..?
My husband has lived a couple of years in South America and often tells me about her these snacks, similar to the white corn muffins, fried (or grilled) and filled since .. curiosity 'was great at the first opportunity that I've visited a shopping mall' are provided went in search of this precooked white corn flour for Arepas ... and so today I show you my first preparation .. 'cause others will follow and filled with sweet and salati.Infatti this flour is suitable for Benisano both today and preparazioni.Quella 'from the classic stuffed sausages. (I was in this house!)
Quick and easy preparation and how many videos you find on the internet for an explanation.
Ingredients for 6 Arepas medium proportions
250 g of precooked white corn flour for Arepas, salt, a drizzle of olive oil, 300 grams of water (approximately) and sausages for stuffing, oil friggere.
Versate in una ciotola capiente la farina il sale ,l'olio e pian pianino l'acqua,impastate,dovete ottenere una pasta morbida,piuttosto umida ma liscia e senza crepe.Lasciatela riposare qualche minuto.Prelevate con le mani un po di impasto(come le polpette)rotolatele bene e appiattitele col palmo della mano.

Ultimate così tutto l'impasto.Vi consiglio di inumidire le mani  ogni tanto e l'impasto non deve essere troppo duro.
Friggetele in olio ben caldo e rigiratele solo quando da un lato saranno completamente  dorate.
Let it drip on a paper towel, make a cut in the middle and stuff to your taste.
(I remind you that you can grill on a hot plate to cook more 'lightly.)

We make dinner in a very tasty ... my husband said so' : These are even better ...
course accept advice and suggestions ..
That 's what I am jelly hot hot ..

next time and good day everyone!