Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Happens If You Dont Report Accident To Dmv

News ... from my blog

Dear recipes today nothing but a great novita'da my blog today opens the door to a new initiative .... It will also follow the other ..
I propose a series of interviews with niche manufacturers to enter the gluttony theme of Made in Italy food & beverage. I turned to a professional editorial, Simon de Nisco , which takes care of another magazine "House Style" visible on the site and other sites and blogs for the first conversation that will follow.

chat with Monica Room, Head of Marketing Main San Cassiano Alba.

(Monica Room)

Monica, dimmi, perché lo slogan da voi scelto è “Trasparenti con gusto”?

Ti dirò che non è soltanto uno slogan. Noi siamo trasparenti e questo non vuol dire solo che i nostri vasetti “orcetto” lasciano intravedere i contenuti che quindi non sono nascosti abilmente ma lo siamo in quanto tutto ciò che Cascina San Cassiano produce riflette criteri di trasparenza. A partire dai nuovissimi stabilimenti che sono stati creati a misura di sicurezza e sono controllati con estremo rigore.

Dammi degli esempi di trasparenza .

Le materie prime. Noi acquistiamo ciò che poi utilizzeremo per produrre le nostre specialità praticamente a chilometro-zero in quanto i nostri fornitori sono produttori di verdura e frutta a noi vicini e selezionati con pignoleria estrema, per esser sicuri della qualità. E’ logico però che alcuni prodotti della terra che non sono piemontesi ce li facciamo inviare da aziende agricole “sicure” di altre regioni. Privilegiamo ove possibile anche le colture biologiche perché si sposano con la nostra visuale d’insieme.

Una cosa mi impensierisce sempre quando acquisto prodotti confezionati, soprattutto sottoli o salse. Usate dyes, for example? And where do the spices?

worry. We do not use dyes so the colors are quite natural and not "solicited" artificially. We use only then Mediterranean spices.

How are recipes?

We invent the best or our technical team revises the old recipes often food for family or other traditional Piedmont (Langhe mostly) and Italian in general and we rely on successful experiments after also the group "Tasters" in-house influenced us with suggestions for alterations or additions or other ingredients.

What is the product that gave you greater satisfaction in time?

range from salty to sweet flavors in a declination of very varied. The product line has achieved more successes, and not a single product, I would say, is that of the above sauces with vegetables: asparagus, radicchio, eggplant, pumpkin ... a myriad of flavors for use with the fast paste (our butterflies), or to enrich rice with canapés and bruschetta. Recently, we have launched market a line of butters that will make the dishes very special (cardamom, cinnamon and ginger, sage, anchovy, orange). Have to try.

sell abroad?
is a lot. We are an expression of "made in Italy and we want to continue on this difficult path because it assumes consistency and constancy.

Monica is making me a taste of Moscato Mousse flavors so harmonious ... The Easter propose an accompaniment to my sweet, will be a surprise.

Hello Monica, the next .
Hello, let us feel I'll give you news of new creations. By the way, have you tried our mustard peppers? They are very special and like them too because who does not like mustard combine with cheese, meat sauces, little fish ... a delicious temptation.

*** Have a good weekend and thanks for taking a bit of your time to something that is useful and that shows in all transparency and loyalty 'of the products we use and test then in our recipes that we propose to our readers.
the next recipe ... hello!

Even site you will find the publication of the interview.


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