Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fotos De Acne Genital

Doughnuts Fast and returns the joy!

(Plate and tissue Wald)
Good day dear today we really enter the Carnival in all homes, those who are going to prepare sauces where the pig is from Pradon, but those who are dedicated to fried cakes, those who prefer more 'light in the oven with cotttura but today I believe that no one gets to miss a sin of gluttony rather ... fat!
today I stopped for a while the role of nurse / mother of pancakes I offer nonstop fast and greedy, obtained using preparation for pancakes Carnival of Molino Rossetto . (You can very well use it for crackers or famous chat or crostoli). So in a short time I brought home a carnival of color and flavor without taking time to my children that these days do not mind at all cuddles and attention ...
1 box of pancakes prepared for Carnival Molino Rossetto , i nter 2 eggs, a little milk (less than half a cup) raisins soaked in sweet taste and zest of an orange .
Beat eggs, add milk and prepared e per ultimo l'uvetta sgocciolata e la scorza dell'arancia.Amalgamate bene.
Mettete sul fuoco una pentola con dell'olio o una friggitrice e a piccole cucchiaiate fate scendere il composto nell'olio formando delle frittelle.Giratele bene per dorarle da ambo i lati e lasciatele sgocciolare su un foglio di carta assorbente.Servite spolverandole con lo zucchero a velo e un pizzico di cannella.
Favolose!!!!!!Se avete fretta ma volete qualcosa di goloso  provatelo anche voi,vi conquistera!!!!
Vi auguro una buona giornata e ritorno a vestire i panni di infermiera.....alla prossima ciao!


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