Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Can Master Batting Be Bad

Carpet chestnut

Well well, since I returned to work, even if they are tired because Aurora continues to wake up at night to nibble at the breast, (and why ... with no excuses creep into the knowledge of Latvian hot hot brother ...) I'm starting to get my life in my hand. And I'm happy. Maybe I am pressing too sull'accelleratore but we'll see with time.
1) Aurora has begun weaning and I prepare everything I can prepare at home: healthy and natural. Vegetable soup, vegetable soup and fresh fruit steamed and homogenised the order of the day ... I did so well for David and I was fine.
2) For your love of David and to devote more time outside the house will take up the guitar in hand and blow the performances in kindergarten and maybe that will organize also give guitar lessons to his compagnetti once a week.
3) I will begin by March a diet that will bring me hope by summer to remove all chilotti accumulated surplus with the two pregnancies.
4) A short will also undertake some interesting collaborations reserved foodblogger us. These last two points are a little to blows with each other ... but we will try to make ends meet!
5) Last but perhaps most important of all: I enrolled again at university. I already gave all the necessary exams but I miss thesis on "Slavery in the Mediterranean in the Modern Age." Thesis prepared in half and left in a moldy drawer for five years ...!!! As they say .... I was struck by writer's block!! Block that I will go by force and kicked in the back :-)
Now on to the recipe. Seen in more than one blog castagnaccio was something I wanted to achieve for some time. The opportunity presented itself tempting to dispose of the chestnut flour bought in excess when I stared with crepes with chestnut just

Ingredients: 250 grams of chestnut flour, 250 ml of water or milk 1 tablespoon sugar, a pinch of salt a sprinkle of cinnamon and the grated rind. lemon (though I used half a teaspoon of orange powder homemade by me )
The process is simple because we simply combine all ingredients. I have mixed with a wooden spoon, there was no need of the blender. Place all the dough on a greased pan, creating a thickness of one centimeter. I used the aluminum pan portion to six.

Put all in a hot oven at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes. The chestnut is still ready as soon as you see it crumble to the surface and is detached from the walls of the pan because si "restringe" un poco.
Responso: a me è piaciuto tantissimo perchè adoro le castagne ma mio marito l'ha trovato di sapore troppo forte, stucchevole! In effetti è tutta farine di castagne e quindi statene alla larga se non vi piacciono!!


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