Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Emotions Cause Low Blood Pressure

woman's heart .... Arepas

Good Tuesday 'fat dear friends, today in many cities' is celebrated on the last day of Carnival and at the same time also the''''... celebrate Women's Day? Better commemorare,ricordare il sacrificio delle operaie morte in quella fabbrica,ricordare chi ogni giorno vuole affermare la sua identita' di donna senza mascherarsi dietro veli o quant'altro,ricordare chi ancora oggi si vergogna ad essere donna,chi subisce mutilazioni perche' donna......non tollero certi festeggiamenti,certe pubblicita' certe interviste..ma succede che ti ritrovi ad ascoltare o vedere pubblicita' e manifesti di locali,ristoranti o ad ascoltare chiacchere di donne  organizzarsi telefonicamente o sedute al tavolino di un bar per la grande serata a tema..con tanto di spogliarello..certe donne hanno davvero il cervello piccolo,ma mi auguro che dentro almeno abbiano un cuore grande..come quello di moltissime donne che ogni giorno dressed in gowns of every job, get up early again leaving dormant the puppet, relied on some granny or some stranger, and bring a piece of bread to their children, 'cause the sun, widows or choice,' cause have made great leaps fatal to take a piece of paper, to become a doctor, lawyer or an engineer ... always been considered only male professions, such as having a dream but never made 'cause first of all the honest' is part of a healthy principle .. so no bargaining no jump of quality ', then the working class and working class remains !!!... do' cause honestly and earn the bread '... hard to hear from someone''you wanted to be equal to our , works but not forget which always remains a woman ... that squalor is not it? but still there is this slice of the world ... who sees the woman only as an object of desire ... unfortunately someone is convenient to all of this career, but Fortunately the bulk of the women is not only that .. but the fight for equal rights ... I'm sorry for those who think otherwise, that we were created only to procreate, ironing, cleaning and cooking .... because ' forget that they too have been generated by a WOMAN''...''
We would be discussed, and enter into the labyrinth cultural, ethical, political, and my ... 'I thought that binds us together in so many,' cause many of us are working women, who in one day 24 hours are a thousand things without neglecting or abandoning anything or anyone ...
My sweet is just the heart of a woman .. this cake did not live on and the colors of yellow mimosa, which is just this March 8 .. (but who says that a mimosa dried must be abandoned, or thrown away ... I think that should be preserved and looked and still !!!!) because it 'every woman always knows how to give a smile, a sweet gesture or a moment of sweetness to those who love with small gestures through a recycling .
A fettozza of Mandarin Loison Panettone (can 'fit a cake pan or a few slices of stale cake) for the base of the crust I used the sponge that I stored in an airtight jar, (but may also be of biscuits) 70 g butter.
Cream Lemon's''''Siculodivini (to taste any cream or jam to taste).

Take the pan, I used this series of Spring Guardini , wrap it in greaseproof paper, and cool in the meantime, melt butter, add it to crumbs pan cake or biscuits, shaped and compacted to the bottom of the pan

pour the cream

and finish with layer of cake or sweet stale crumbs.

transfer it for a few minutes under the grill.
Serve after a few hours.
soft on the inside with stuffing and crunchy on the outside ...
This slice and 'to all of you ..

nice day and the next hello!


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