Thursday, March 10, 2011

Color To Match Brown Pillows

Almond shortbread with lemon cream and fruit Maria Teresa

I courted Maria Teresa ... so ... my cousin sister, a beautiful girl haired blacks, long and curly hair to be envied Afef, excellent cook, simple girl, and always with a smile. I courted her so I said to get a recipe and finally the opportunity arose on March 6, the day of my brother's birthday and the day on which she has prepared this delicious fruit tart ...

As my habit, when the recipe is not my best reflect the author's words ...
"Hello Elena here is the recipe for the crust: 350 gr flour 150 almond flour, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 150g sugar, 100g butter, soft 2 eggs, a little grated lemon rind .
Procedure: In a bowl combine the flours and cinnamon. Work together butter, sugar, egg yolks and lemon zest. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Add flour to the butter mixture, sugar and egg yolks, add the egg whites gently too. Work the mixture and after it wrapped in plastic wrap to keep in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Get out the dough from the refrigerator and roll out on baking tray. Prick and bake by placing a sheet of baking paper and beans. Hot oven 15 -20 minutes.
Lemon Cream: 1 liter milk 100 gr starch, 200 grams of sugar, the grated rind of one lemon . In a small saucepan combine the starch and sugar, zest lemon and stirring with a whisk add the milk and put on the fire until the cream thickens well.

Spread the cream (cooled) on the pastry. To garnish, use the fruit they prefer. In order not to tarnish it melt a bit of apricot jam with a little warm water and brush with this jelly. "
Happy birthday brother
... and congratulations to Maria Teresa ...

... and what about a Waffer decorated with the best wishes ... BRILLIANT!

Terry ... you're really in the cards regola per aprire un blog di cucina...pensaciiiii, c'è un mondo che ti aspetta che ha solo una controindicazione...ti prenderà così tanto da non poterne più fare a meno...vero ragazze/ì...che ne dite???


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