Monday, March 7, 2011

Dehydration And Swollen Parotid Glands


Happy Monday everyone! Today a typical dish of South American arepas .. you know ..?
My husband has lived a couple of years in South America and often tells me about her these snacks, similar to the white corn muffins, fried (or grilled) and filled since .. curiosity 'was great at the first opportunity that I've visited a shopping mall' are provided went in search of this precooked white corn flour for Arepas ... and so today I show you my first preparation .. 'cause others will follow and filled with sweet and salati.Infatti this flour is suitable for Benisano both today and preparazioni.Quella 'from the classic stuffed sausages. (I was in this house!)
Quick and easy preparation and how many videos you find on the internet for an explanation.
Ingredients for 6 Arepas medium proportions
250 g of precooked white corn flour for Arepas, salt, a drizzle of olive oil, 300 grams of water (approximately) and sausages for stuffing, oil friggere.
Versate in una ciotola capiente la farina il sale ,l'olio e pian pianino l'acqua,impastate,dovete ottenere una pasta morbida,piuttosto umida ma liscia e senza crepe.Lasciatela riposare qualche minuto.Prelevate con le mani un po di impasto(come le polpette)rotolatele bene e appiattitele col palmo della mano.

Ultimate così tutto l'impasto.Vi consiglio di inumidire le mani  ogni tanto e l'impasto non deve essere troppo duro.
Friggetele in olio ben caldo e rigiratele solo quando da un lato saranno completamente  dorate.
Let it drip on a paper towel, make a cut in the middle and stuff to your taste.
(I remind you that you can grill on a hot plate to cook more 'lightly.)

We make dinner in a very tasty ... my husband said so' : These are even better ...
course accept advice and suggestions ..
That 's what I am jelly hot hot ..

next time and good day everyone!


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