Monday, March 14, 2011

Got Pregnant Never Had Egg White Cervical Mucas

Port in a Roman dinner .. hot!!

Good start to the week everyone! Today I want to tease, to start with the right spirit this week .. of course if you like hot or spicy side of life.
Yesterday as the day promised only rain rain and yet I thought I would devote myself to the preparation of pizzas .. and given that even if it pours in my house guests never fail (are brave!) I decided to prepare the classical Romana (we are so Chama 'pizza tomato mozzarella and anchovies), but with a note given to him by the tasty and spicy ... spicy anchovies of Rizzoli, a Made in Italy of success and goodness'!
The Rizzoli was born in Turin, the father and son Emanuele Luigi prepare the recipe today and 'still a hit, the anchovies in spicy sauce, and thanks to generations with passion and caring in bringing innovation Companies ; have never neglected the attention to detail and respect for tradition and spread the brand name for 100 years depicting three gnomes as a symbol of good luck (health, luck, longevity ').

With Rizzoli that allowed me to try and confirm the goodness' of their great success.
That 's the whole picture of the threads, in fact you will not find pieces like fillets or in tin box golden but real whole fillets in a very special sauce ...

What about pizza and 'was devoured without shame!
800 gri d durum wheat semolina, 400 grams of water, 7 grams of yeast, oil and salt.
anchovies in a spicy sauce of Rizzoli , buffalo mozzarella, fresh tomato, olive oil.
Ho impastato la semola con l'acqua il ievito sciolto l'olio e il sale per ultimo , lasciato lievitare per 7 ore circa ben coperto,diviso in 3 panetti e farcita con le alici ,il pomodoro un filo d'olio e cotta in forno.

Solo prima di servire ho messo dei pezzetti di mozzarella di bufala,rimesso in forno qualche secondo e servita con un filo d'olio .
Molto molto gustosa!!!
Scusate se non l'ho impiattata a dovere,ma l'odorino e la fame mi ha impedito di trattenere gli ospiti per l'assalto finale...
Vi auguro un buon proseguimento and hold on the primvera sooner or later will knock 'on our doorstep ...
Kisses and see you soon!


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