Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ultrasonic Transducers Diy

Le Piada Kebab Cinderella ...

Good day to all .. that first freddo.brrrrr to dive in cleaning the house I want to offer these piada Kebab I had seen in site of''Cinderella''in the kitchen are very good, especially quick and easy .. here its proposal ..
Thanks Josephine proposals for them on your site that I invite you to visit because 'always magnificent, full of recipes handed down from mother to daughter to granddaughter ... she is always breath smell of authenticity'!!!...... Thanks
Ingredients: 500 g
flour (I used a durum wheat semolina), 500 ml of water and oil to taste, salt, 1 packet of dry yeast.
Mix all the ingredients, you must obtain a liquid batter (but not too much ', similar to crepes) and let it stand half an hour circa.Trascorso this time, heat a frying pan and cook the small doses Piada-Kebab, turning on both sides.
Farcitela as you like. (I I've stuffed with arugula, melted cheese and bits of breaded chicken)
NB: I suggest you prepare them in the day if you use the meal, 'cause they tend to dry out easily, this' but' not happens if you use a standard meal 00.
Very good, I have prepared for a dinner between friends and I can tell you that literally went like hot cakes, accompany them to a different sauces ... goodness'!!!!


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