Saturday, February 26, 2011

Woke Up With Cloudy Vision

delicious pastry tarts! If you have some

; (Plates and fabric Wald)

Good evening everybody, you will feel cold? here in Catania enough .... I stop a moment to post as promised in the previous post ... a delicious candy (exact words of my hubby). Do you remember the gift won in a contest Zagara ? here consisted of tart molds for the Pedrini . At last they had their baptism and a veil of complicit Fiordifrutta figs and organic gluten-free Rigoni di Asiago two apples and they came back out three delicious crostatine.Facili , quick and very tasty not to be a little pampering never miss!
Myriam these are I dedicate to you ....
Half roll of puff pastry, fresh, 3 tablespoons Fiordifrutta figs Rigoni di Asiago , 2 apples, sugar cane.
Preparation: With Forms
Set aside from the tart pastry, line the silicone molds, fill with the jam with figs and place the diced apples soaked a few minutes first in lemon and sugar cane.

Ultimate with a sprinkling of brown sugar and bake another sino a doratura della sfoglia.
Servite se volete con una spolverata di zucchero a velo e cannella.
Ritorno al mio forno ..stasera pizza!!!!!!!!!
A tutti una buona serata..baci

Friday, February 25, 2011

Artichoke Pesto Pasta Calories

polenta? I do the croquettes and recreate an atmosphere ITALIAN evening!

Eccomi di corsa ma ci sono per augurarvi un allegro e caloroso (qui fa un freddo....brrr)fine settimana..
Quella di oggi e' una proposta che sono sicura mette daccordo tutti grandi e piccini e oltre a fare una bella figura servite nella ciotoline da Finger Food di Atmosfera Italiana ..sono di un buono,ma di un buono....che ve lo dico a fa'..provateci!!!!!!!!!!
now the polenta in my house and 'request at least once a week, and if there's quiet .. propose it in the form of dry food and see how to disappear' in a hurry ... you know .. but they are fried to be me is ok .. pounds heavier 'pounds lighter in my 1.70 (almost) in height .. I try to spread them out .. but if you do not like it you try them in the oven .. the breading of Ariosto always good results.
Ingredients: Polenta
advanced about 300 grams, (I used this speck of DolomitiFood ) a whole slice of bacon (I always Dolomitifood ) gorgonzola into pieces, melted cheese into small pieces , breaded of Ariosto, batter (flour and water dense) usually use this Ariosto being finished but I am due to arrange ..
Preparation: Take the polenta
advanced and add the diced bacon to be small, and mix well on a flat surface extended polenta, with the help of wet hands and taken a bit of polenta in the center have a piece of cheese and of course you do so well understood that the piece of speck.Richiudete and give the round shape.

I did two round that vary with gorgonzola in the middle, with the cylindrical melted cheese.
I have spent in the batter of flour and water and then in the breading ready Ariosto .

Carefully plunge in hot oil and brown on both parti.Lasciate drip on a paper towel and serve.
I've placed in the bowls of finger food with the next salsine.Una green pepper type barbecue for those who prefer a piccantella notes, the other with the vinegar Mayonnaise balsamico della Cascina San Cassiano per chi preferisce un sapore morbido e delicato.
Questo l'interno al gorgonzola...

Questo quello col formaggio filante

Favolosi!!!! o almeno per noi.
A tutti un felice fine settimana e ci vediamo presto con un dolcetto
Buona giornata

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Install Native Expansion Mount And Blade

crosta''Insolita Rabbit''in''hot

                                        (Plate and tissue Wald)

Buondì finally stopped raining and is cold this morning, Etna attracts a lot with its snowy mantle ...
Today, many will turn up their nose to see my proposal with the rabbit that I like so much and I propose to you today with a crust''a bit unusual.''I also like many other bloggers I used Loison Panettone to make a different dish than usual, but who says that panettone is eaten only at Christmas? .. here if you visit this blog you will find that this ingredient can 'enrich and customize several recipes and leave everyone speechless .. including husbands!
This is my proposal using the Loison Panettone cereals and raisins.
rabbit pieces, white pepper Ariosto, Loison Panettone (I 2 slices) a power Great kinara grated cheese or other grated, Oil.
by soaking for a few hours the rabbit pieces in water, and lemon leaves alloro.Trasferitelo in a pot and boil it with more lemon and bay leaves more for 20/25 minutes.

Now take the slices of panettone and crumble with hands, in a small bowl, add the grating cheese and oil, mix and form a panure.
Take the rabbit and sprinkle of white pepper and a pinch of sale.Panatelo and place in a baking dish.

Cook in oven for 10 minuti.La breading will become 'crispy.
I've served with a chutney of pears Lazzaris to give the dish a hint of spiciness and freshness.
nice day and the next proposal

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Desert Eagle .44 Test

who panelle Pani (bread and fritters) and

Il panino con le panelle, insieme al panino con la milza (pani ca meusa) e il trancio di sfincione venduto nei "lapini" ambulanti (moto ape modificato ad hoc) è il cibo da strada più diffuso e apprezzato a Palermo.

Semplicemente farina di ceci mescolata ad acqua, cotta sul fuoco e poi fritta...

Ah, These Arabs ... I knew more of the devil, and, in fact, the fritters are one of their "invention" that the people of Palermo and took it to her. If you want to know more about their history here's a very interesting link . If you're vacationing in Palermo and then, you just have to taste this delicacy on site, by going into any fry. You will always find a good deal of panelle ready to eat. If you want to try this at home here then you need: 500 grams chickpea flour, 1 liter and a half of cold water, salt, pepper and parsley and olive oil for frying. It is really easy to prepare but the process is long. In a

pentola sciogliete la farina di ceci nell'acqua fredda e condite con il sale e pepe. Io uso il frullatore a immersione per non fare creare grumi e creare una pastella omogenea. Porre la pentola sul fuoco e cuocere a fiamma moderata per 40 minuti rigirando con un cucchiaio di legno per non fare attaccare sul fondo. Pazienza...abbiate tanta pazienza ma ne vale la pena. Appena pronto unite il prezzemolo tritato finemente. Porre l'impasto in una teglia bagnata leggermente ( o unta). Lo strato non dovrebbe essere più di 3mm al massimo mezzo centimetro. Fare raffreddare e tagliare le panelle così...

Potete creare uno strato più alto ma poi dovete avere cura di "assottigliare" le panelle a mezzo centimetro circa. Friggetele in abundant oil

Drain on absorbent paper or paper bread

eat them hot with a sprinkling of salt and lemon ...

Their "death" is in a nice bun like this ...

E 'natural for a little dough from sticking to the bottom of the pot but since you do not throw anything you can achieve the so-called "scraping". Carefully scrape the dough stuck to the bottom of the pot (but not burnt), create some balls (type crocchè) and fry them .... you know that almost as good doctoring is the same panella because it is steeped in ... Smoked ??????

Does Irs Direct Deposit Earlier

Fast Company is .. but tastefully

Buondì again many thanks for the support and solidarity 'received from all of you in my previous post ... talk about and express their point of view reinforces both our communication and collaboration and I hope to convince those who offend us to read better, before spitting out sentences.

Today our beautiful Sicily and 'covered with clouds and persistent rain ... it sounds like almost Bernacca ... no joking aside now the rain is the host .. so what better way to knead and bake a loaf ciabatta and fast croccantello? We heat home and fragrant with the smell of freshly baked bread .. stuff that are the envy of the bakers place ..
Just very little and I do when I 'can not dedicate myself to the long rise and the taste for lunch or dinner or when I feel like a stuffed sandwich.
Here is the post I dedicated to my first time with this same post pane.Nello Aurelia''the author''who gave me l'imput per avvicinarmi a questo tipo di preparazione.
500 gr di farina oo( io ho usato tutta semola)370 ml circa di acqua tiepida,mezzo cubetto di lievito di birra fresco,sale(quasi 2 cucchiaini)1 cuchiaino di miele o malto(io ho usato miele)
In una ciotolina mettete a sciogliere il lievito con il miele e un po d'acqua.A parte in un altra ciotola aggiungiamo alla farina il lievito sciolto ,l'altra acqua e mescoliamo il tutto con una forchetta,otterrete un impasto morbido ,colloso e non affatto liscio.Cospargete tutta la superfice dell'impasto con abbondante farina e chiudete con la pellicola o in un contenitore ermetico.Lasciate rest in a warm place for a couple of hours.
Important the oven is turned on at the highest temperature (250 °) at least half an hour before baking.
Trascoso time to rest and resume the mixture being careful not to put it upside down on a board if you want to divide it into small loaves or directly on a baking tray covered with baking paper as I did to be in the form of a loaf off .. and flattened (we call strip!)
Bake for 40 minutes at least, should be golden but dry.
Here ready and looking crisp. This

I've stuffed with what I was in the house, melted cheese, the first salt pistachios, salami, onion, a few pieces of cream cheese.

now to warm in the oven and allow cheese to melt and become creamy and well before serving I added arugula ..

This is the final result.
We fed well.
Have a good day and the next mess ... kisses!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fluid In Lungs And Gout

................. I'm sorry but it happens

(Image taken from the web)

Good day and still is not 'nothing serious happened, but he strikes a blow for all of us ... and I recently' happened to read in some blogs, including that of IMMA , well as in my private mail messages clear disdain for the use of sampling in our post received from the companies that we contact all our friends through word of mouth or through the vision of the banners on blogs we visit .
premise, too, that none of us requires the occasional visitor or a regular player but wild, let alone to visit us to buy products presentati nei nostri blog.
Sinceramente non ho mai fatto polemiche di nessun genere ma accanirsi in queste cose quando nel mondo succedono cose piu' gravi e quotidianamente ognuno di noi affronta le sue vicissitidini mi sembra davvero ridicolo.Questo e' il nostro spazio ci facciamo quello che vogliamo ,principalmente nasce per la condivisione di ricette ,consigli e scambi in ambito della nostra passione per la cucina.Strada facendo si fanno amicizie,qualcuno consolida meglio lo scambio iniziale di semplici Ciao con fortunati incontri e da li tutta una serie di cose che appartengono solo a  noi nel privato.Siamo libere di mettere cio' che vogliamo,raccontare i nostri problemi,i nostri acciacchi ,parlare dei nostri figli, advertising 'including, but not force anyone to read .. so I think esagarato all this evil that permeates all of our mail and our blog ... If we receive a sample or talk about it are good only our business, the companies give us confidence through these exchanges, for our part we put all our efforts and our ingenuity in the kitchen, some did not need to show 'cause they really leading the field while others are less known , ''but that''deserve but all have one aim to collaborate with those in the kitchen takes the soul, the passion and enhanced the product / i..quindi well be that the criticism purche'costruttive by Anonymous you sign, because they do not have a blog, but I agree and I think this all a bit rude way to get into our house and offend us by saying that the posters pubbicitari ... Anonymous Carisio certainly attract 'your wickedness. . but at least I point out that regardless of everything deep down we all s very solidly against your attitudes ... if we read and be careful if you enter in our blog, in our post a banner of a new company on a daily basis that are significant We devote your time ... and also give us popularity !!!!!

It seemed only right to sit for a moment and write these words ... primarily to solidarity 'and then' cause even though we talk a little bit of this or other resta sempre uno spazio nostro.Difendiamolo!
Grazie Rossella!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Make Your Person For Free

cake and dark chocolate tasty filling of orange jam

Buon lunedi' carissimi come e' andato il vostro week end? il mio tra faccende e spartizioni di regali..pensate solo questo mese 4 dei miei nipoti festeggiano il compleanno...meglio sorvolore e passo a proporvi questa idea golosa.Una torta al fondente morbidissima che accoglie una farcia golosa di marmellata di arance Cascina San Cassiano .Un connubio quello tra cioccolato fondente e arancia e che a me piace tanto e a voi?
Semplice la sua realizzazione e di sicuro successo
5 eggs, 150 of flour, half a bag of sweets for Leivi, 150 gr sugar, 150 grams of butter, 100 grams of dark chocolate.
filling: orange marmalade Cascina San Cassiano.
I put in a double boiler to melt the chocolate with the butter, then I worked the eggs with sugar and later joined the butter mixture and chocolate and finally the flour sifted with lievito.Versato in a springform pan and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
I let it cool down and divided the cake into three layers.

Ho farcito con la marmellata che si presenta con i piccoli pezzetti della buccia che ne esalta maggiormente la sua golosita' e il suo buon sapore.

Ho farcito tutti gli strati ,(tutto il barattolino e' bastato per i tre strati,ne basta un volete abbondare ben venga pero'..!).
Ho ultimato il dolce con le briciole ottenute dalla calotta superiore che in cottura si era leggermente sollevata,tenute da parte e sbricolata per abbellire il dolce.Ho cosparso la superficie di zucchero di canna e passato sotto il grill buy for a few minutes doing a bit of crispness to the surface.
This the inside of the cake.
This slice with pleasure that I offer to all of you to start this new week on a sweet note.
To all a good continuation to the next mess ... and kisses!

* With this recipe I participate in the Contest Cynthia''Citrus''

* With this recipe to participate Contest Crysania''and the Chocolate Factory

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Atv To Dune Buggy Plans

Linguine with mullet roe tomatoes and capers to a fine finger food

Happy Sunday dear, here the gray clouds have taken instead of the sun yesterday triumphed throughout the day ..
Just yesterday I bought a jar of mullet roe that I used to embellish my minicoppe square for finger food line ''''Les chics courtesy of Italian atmosphere and then make a simple spaghetti dinner with friends .. in a refined and portion.
I also want to dedicate two lines of introduction to this site foodblogger that we held a play .. I will gladly participate.
Here on this page FB , you will find all the information, Claudio and Carlos will surprise you with their kindness, 'sympathy and will thrill you in this game with prizes, visit sito.Credetemi is participate in the penalty ... Elegance, refinement, design will be ready to be in your kitchen ..
La mia ricetta e' semplicissima niente di complicato ma in queste minicoppe ha acquistato una marcia in piu'.
Linguine,pomodorini datterini,capperi dissalati,bottarga di muggine, cipollina fresca,olio.
Mettete a cuocere la pasta,a parte dorate la cipollina,saltate i pomodorini datterini privati della pellicina e aggiungete i capperi dissalati.Scolate la pasta al dente e saltatela in padella insieme ai pomodorini e ai capperi,aggiungete la bottarga e servite nelle monoporzioni da Finger food.Guarnite con un ulteriore spolverata di bottarga di muggine.

Raffinata e gustosa semplicita'.
A tutti una buona domenica..ciao!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Graboid Pearl Vs Graboid Onyx

red beer and stuffed focaccia and streamlined for the weekend ..

Buon pomeriggio grazie mille per i vostri complimenti al mio precedente post sulla paella...non mi aspettavo mica tutto questo prossima volta paella per tutti!!!
Per questo week end pero' vi propongo  questa stupenda,calda e filante focaccia di semola farcita con un primo sale ai pistacchi, pate' di acciughine ,pomodorini e ovviamente l'immancabile trito di pistacchi come tocco finale.Vi alletta l'idea?
focaccia bread flour (this is not 'my work, and' was prepared by the baker in the area .... my epserimento I will propose these days ....) tomatoes piccadilly first salt pistachios, pistachios chopped fresh chives, pate 'anchovy ''''SiculiDivini , some oil.
Divide 'the loaf of bread, place first the chopped onion and then cheese, tomatoes, completed with small pinches of pate' anchovies and chopped pistachios .

Infornate per  10 minuti ed eccola  calda,gustosa e ho abbinato questo bel bicchiere freschissimo di Birra rossa ''DolomitiFood''

Ricetta esclusiva  di una piccola birreria artigianale  dell'800.. ho preferito consumarla cosi' in purezza...per apprezzarne meglio i sentori e i profumi che solo una birra che conserva una lavorazione craft can give.
... Served in cups or mugs and cold 'the most ...
everyone a happy weekend and next .. kisses!!

* With this recipe I participate in the Contest The cuisine of Sicily Tatin''Green Gold '

Tickling Female Celebrities

Something beautiful ... - Nesto LEPO

Since November last year that I have "stumbled" into a very bella.Si is a job, now I can say it because it is certain that I will do: illustrate my first book of stories for children!
rhyming stories are an American writer (it's all in English). She had contacted me and propostomi to participate in the selection of the artists for illustration of his new book for children, and after a first test and I must say, my artwork has won!
now working on the second and third and I'll be a bit on the run from the blog, of course this thing with my restless daughter (who Minnie calls himself this time) took me many forces and time, but I'm sure you'll forgive me.
I would like to show you some of what I did, especially my pride would want, but unfortunately I do not think it is possible before publication of the book and this one will be quite some time. But I can tell you that there will be fairies, ladybugs, mice and many other animals in the format "pixie"!
meantime, cross your fingers for me! :)


prevod ... uskoro ...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Real Flight G2 Patches

A trip memories .. love: La Paella

Good afternoon everyone ! the recipe that I propose today is part of culture, tradition and English cuisine in general, someone even said that the Catalan''''is the best ..... and I state that my 'only one of many recipes that runs' to a colorful and imaginative dishes, which always enchants tourists and fans of Paella wonder ... so sorry to all the Spaniards and the reader finds inaccuracies or diversity 'from the one true paella.
A dear friend of Madrid gave me some advice on cooking, the rest is part of my fantasy and what area of \u200b\u200bthe fish offered Monday ... in fact, while all were about to make various cakes and pastries I was preparing to My great loves paella ... a dish that binds me to a beautiful friendship with a woman from Madrid just to memory of a wonderful trip to Spain and above all to my husband ....
I will not go well ... and I go to the hard indeed to the recipe .. I state that as a plate of paella fantasy varies in ingredients that can be mixed between meat, fish and vegetables, and confirm that ...... Paella .. the rule is never shaken but stirred in the same paellera. (large frying pan with two handles for us, in Valencian paella)
Fish Joint soup, calamari, mussels, prawns, I added the salmon grouper and fresh diced tomatoes, peas, red pepper , saffron ( 2 bustine di zafferano Aquila di Ariosto ) pepe bianco Ariosto . Riso per paella 400gr circa (riso dal chicco piu' lungo),vino bianco,scorzette di limone.
Lavate i pesci per la zuppetta e le carcasse dei gamberoni,in un tegame fate andare uno spicchio d'aglio ,del pomodoro fresco ed aggiungete il pesce.Lasciate cuocere e filtrando ricavatene il brodo.A parte fate aprire le cozze nere,filtrate e conservate il loro brodo.
A parte nella paellera iniziate a saltare con un filo d'olio il pesce cubettato e successivamente i calamari tagliati ad anelli ,mettete ad arrostire il peperone dentro il forno,appena sara' ben abbrustolito mettetelo dentro un sacchetto di carta cosi da eliminare molto piu' facilmente la pellicina.
Nella stessa paellera dove avete saltato i pesci fate andare il riso,quando il chicco sara' lucido e trasparente sfumatelo con un po di vino bianco,lasciate evaporare ed aggiungete il brodo dei pesci compreso quello delle cozze(il brodo va aggiunto in un unica volta)e  poi aggiungete il pesce tenendo conto della loro cottura dapprima quelli che necessitano di una cottura piu' lunga,successivamente gli altri, aggiungete i piselli ,cuocete a fuoco dolce scuotendo dai manici la paellera..solo a fine cottura va aggiunto lo saffron and pepper white .
Serve paella leading to the same table, decorate the paella with peppers cut into strips, prawns and lemon zest.
NB went also added some mussels in their shells .. but I've thrown all ways, when I shelled and filtered.
What you see in the picture and 'was much appreciated and devoured in the same evening, accompanied by a fresh cup of Colomba Platino .... this also offered the house ... I'm not a sommelier nor a connoisseur, but I and my husband and 'loved it!
premise that same friend of Madrid tasting them long ago liked a lot ... and if a doubt remains 'was acceptable because' it was already pretty quick and effortless??
To all a good night .. kisses