Friday, February 25, 2011

Artichoke Pesto Pasta Calories

polenta? I do the croquettes and recreate an atmosphere ITALIAN evening!

Eccomi di corsa ma ci sono per augurarvi un allegro e caloroso (qui fa un freddo....brrr)fine settimana..
Quella di oggi e' una proposta che sono sicura mette daccordo tutti grandi e piccini e oltre a fare una bella figura servite nella ciotoline da Finger Food di Atmosfera Italiana ..sono di un buono,ma di un buono....che ve lo dico a fa'..provateci!!!!!!!!!!
now the polenta in my house and 'request at least once a week, and if there's quiet .. propose it in the form of dry food and see how to disappear' in a hurry ... you know .. but they are fried to be me is ok .. pounds heavier 'pounds lighter in my 1.70 (almost) in height .. I try to spread them out .. but if you do not like it you try them in the oven .. the breading of Ariosto always good results.
Ingredients: Polenta
advanced about 300 grams, (I used this speck of DolomitiFood ) a whole slice of bacon (I always Dolomitifood ) gorgonzola into pieces, melted cheese into small pieces , breaded of Ariosto, batter (flour and water dense) usually use this Ariosto being finished but I am due to arrange ..
Preparation: Take the polenta
advanced and add the diced bacon to be small, and mix well on a flat surface extended polenta, with the help of wet hands and taken a bit of polenta in the center have a piece of cheese and of course you do so well understood that the piece of speck.Richiudete and give the round shape.

I did two round that vary with gorgonzola in the middle, with the cylindrical melted cheese.
I have spent in the batter of flour and water and then in the breading ready Ariosto .

Carefully plunge in hot oil and brown on both parti.Lasciate drip on a paper towel and serve.
I've placed in the bowls of finger food with the next salsine.Una green pepper type barbecue for those who prefer a piccantella notes, the other with the vinegar Mayonnaise balsamico della Cascina San Cassiano per chi preferisce un sapore morbido e delicato.
Questo l'interno al gorgonzola...

Questo quello col formaggio filante

Favolosi!!!! o almeno per noi.
A tutti un felice fine settimana e ci vediamo presto con un dolcetto
Buona giornata


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