Monday, February 7, 2011

What Does C Look Like On A Tuner

Pancakes (Arabic) of Marietta, Stephanie, and now Elena ...

What strength girl is a source of constant inspiration ... although and his pancakes have come much more my swollen ... but is the taste that counts and that I conquered. Reason for belittling soon.

Mix 500 grams of flour, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons oil, 2 teaspoons salt, 30 grams of grated parmesan cheese, a packet of yeast for pies (I usatro mastrofornaio) and then gradually add the water (about 180) to make the dough become soft like that of the pizzas. Let rest at least 40 minutes, remove part of the dough, roll into balls with your hands and extend as if they wanted to make pizzas. Roll out the dough thin thin. I did not succeeded, in a hurry I've done with the 10 hands of the goddess Kali and the speed of Superman ... Another reason to visit the link Roman Arabia

Fry in hot oil. Swell, the its ... but my soft spot remained the same though ... :-) Good accompanied with some fresh salami and cheese more fresh.

Dear Stephanie, I say and I repeat ... read it is a breath of fresh air!


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