Monday, February 14, 2011

Table Shuffleboard Dimensions

Crepes with cream cheese with truffles and butter summer savory

                    (Textiles, glass and dish Wald)

Happy Monday dear and best wishes to all lovers and those who today will find 'the love ... no heart in my little corner of the kitchen, I have already' given in the preceding days. . but I suggest a better proposal for dinner tonight or for those future.Delle buonisisme crepes stuffed with a savory cream exquisite truffles of summer Magnatum Club time I ventured into the batter and the usual crepes I've added a nice knob of salted butter Farms Fiandino and a final sprinkling of Great kinara . A blend of flavors and aromas of excellent quality '.
Ingredients: 150 gr
farina00 scant 2 cups of milk, 4 medium eggs, a knob of salted butter Fiandino Farms.
filling: cream cheese with truffles summer Magnatum Club. Great kinara and little cream or a little fresh cheese.
Preparation: In a robot
put all the ingredients at room temperature and allowed to mix for a few minutes so that 'everything amalgams bene.Lasciate rest half an hour.
Heat a nonstick plate and prepare the crepes.
stuff with the cream cheese with truffles summer previously softened with a dash of cream or cheese and spalmabile.Farcitele chiudendetele them in a crescent of teglia.Prima infornale sprinkle of cheese or other large kinara to taste.

Serve warm crepes .. One that certainly light up 'your evening ...
To all a good night and the next.

* With this recipe I participate in the 2011''Contest Farms Salted butter Fiandino


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