Thursday, February 17, 2011

Real Flight G2 Patches

A trip memories .. love: La Paella

Good afternoon everyone ! the recipe that I propose today is part of culture, tradition and English cuisine in general, someone even said that the Catalan''''is the best ..... and I state that my 'only one of many recipes that runs' to a colorful and imaginative dishes, which always enchants tourists and fans of Paella wonder ... so sorry to all the Spaniards and the reader finds inaccuracies or diversity 'from the one true paella.
A dear friend of Madrid gave me some advice on cooking, the rest is part of my fantasy and what area of \u200b\u200bthe fish offered Monday ... in fact, while all were about to make various cakes and pastries I was preparing to My great loves paella ... a dish that binds me to a beautiful friendship with a woman from Madrid just to memory of a wonderful trip to Spain and above all to my husband ....
I will not go well ... and I go to the hard indeed to the recipe .. I state that as a plate of paella fantasy varies in ingredients that can be mixed between meat, fish and vegetables, and confirm that ...... Paella .. the rule is never shaken but stirred in the same paellera. (large frying pan with two handles for us, in Valencian paella)
Fish Joint soup, calamari, mussels, prawns, I added the salmon grouper and fresh diced tomatoes, peas, red pepper , saffron ( 2 bustine di zafferano Aquila di Ariosto ) pepe bianco Ariosto . Riso per paella 400gr circa (riso dal chicco piu' lungo),vino bianco,scorzette di limone.
Lavate i pesci per la zuppetta e le carcasse dei gamberoni,in un tegame fate andare uno spicchio d'aglio ,del pomodoro fresco ed aggiungete il pesce.Lasciate cuocere e filtrando ricavatene il brodo.A parte fate aprire le cozze nere,filtrate e conservate il loro brodo.
A parte nella paellera iniziate a saltare con un filo d'olio il pesce cubettato e successivamente i calamari tagliati ad anelli ,mettete ad arrostire il peperone dentro il forno,appena sara' ben abbrustolito mettetelo dentro un sacchetto di carta cosi da eliminare molto piu' facilmente la pellicina.
Nella stessa paellera dove avete saltato i pesci fate andare il riso,quando il chicco sara' lucido e trasparente sfumatelo con un po di vino bianco,lasciate evaporare ed aggiungete il brodo dei pesci compreso quello delle cozze(il brodo va aggiunto in un unica volta)e  poi aggiungete il pesce tenendo conto della loro cottura dapprima quelli che necessitano di una cottura piu' lunga,successivamente gli altri, aggiungete i piselli ,cuocete a fuoco dolce scuotendo dai manici la paellera..solo a fine cottura va aggiunto lo saffron and pepper white .
Serve paella leading to the same table, decorate the paella with peppers cut into strips, prawns and lemon zest.
NB went also added some mussels in their shells .. but I've thrown all ways, when I shelled and filtered.
What you see in the picture and 'was much appreciated and devoured in the same evening, accompanied by a fresh cup of Colomba Platino .... this also offered the house ... I'm not a sommelier nor a connoisseur, but I and my husband and 'loved it!
premise that same friend of Madrid tasting them long ago liked a lot ... and if a doubt remains 'was acceptable because' it was already pretty quick and effortless??
To all a good night .. kisses


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