Friday, February 18, 2011

Tickling Female Celebrities

Something beautiful ... - Nesto LEPO

Since November last year that I have "stumbled" into a very bella.Si is a job, now I can say it because it is certain that I will do: illustrate my first book of stories for children!
rhyming stories are an American writer (it's all in English). She had contacted me and propostomi to participate in the selection of the artists for illustration of his new book for children, and after a first test and I must say, my artwork has won!
now working on the second and third and I'll be a bit on the run from the blog, of course this thing with my restless daughter (who Minnie calls himself this time) took me many forces and time, but I'm sure you'll forgive me.
I would like to show you some of what I did, especially my pride would want, but unfortunately I do not think it is possible before publication of the book and this one will be quite some time. But I can tell you that there will be fairies, ladybugs, mice and many other animals in the format "pixie"!
meantime, cross your fingers for me! :)


prevod ... uskoro ...


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