Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fluid In Lungs And Gout

................. I'm sorry but it happens

(Image taken from the web)

Good day and still is not 'nothing serious happened, but he strikes a blow for all of us ... and I recently' happened to read in some blogs, including that of IMMA , well as in my private mail messages clear disdain for the use of sampling in our post received from the companies that we contact all our friends through word of mouth or through the vision of the banners on blogs we visit .
premise, too, that none of us requires the occasional visitor or a regular player but wild, let alone to visit us to buy products presentati nei nostri blog.
Sinceramente non ho mai fatto polemiche di nessun genere ma accanirsi in queste cose quando nel mondo succedono cose piu' gravi e quotidianamente ognuno di noi affronta le sue vicissitidini mi sembra davvero ridicolo.Questo e' il nostro spazio ci facciamo quello che vogliamo ,principalmente nasce per la condivisione di ricette ,consigli e scambi in ambito della nostra passione per la cucina.Strada facendo si fanno amicizie,qualcuno consolida meglio lo scambio iniziale di semplici Ciao con fortunati incontri e da li tutta una serie di cose che appartengono solo a  noi nel privato.Siamo libere di mettere cio' che vogliamo,raccontare i nostri problemi,i nostri acciacchi ,parlare dei nostri figli, advertising 'including, but not force anyone to read .. so I think esagarato all this evil that permeates all of our mail and our blog ... If we receive a sample or talk about it are good only our business, the companies give us confidence through these exchanges, for our part we put all our efforts and our ingenuity in the kitchen, some did not need to show 'cause they really leading the field while others are less known , ''but that''deserve but all have one aim to collaborate with those in the kitchen takes the soul, the passion and enhanced the product / i..quindi well be that the criticism purche'costruttive by Anonymous you sign, because they do not have a blog, but I agree and I think this all a bit rude way to get into our house and offend us by saying that the posters pubbicitari ... Anonymous Carisio certainly attract 'your wickedness. . but at least I point out that regardless of everything deep down we all s very solidly against your attitudes ... if we read and be careful if you enter in our blog, in our post a banner of a new company on a daily basis that are significant We devote your time ... and also give us popularity !!!!!

It seemed only right to sit for a moment and write these words ... primarily to solidarity 'and then' cause even though we talk a little bit of this or other resta sempre uno spazio nostro.Difendiamolo!
Grazie Rossella!


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