Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Does Irs Direct Deposit Earlier

Fast Company is .. but tastefully

Buondì again many thanks for the support and solidarity 'received from all of you in my previous post ... talk about and express their point of view reinforces both our communication and collaboration and I hope to convince those who offend us to read better, before spitting out sentences.

Today our beautiful Sicily and 'covered with clouds and persistent rain ... it sounds like almost Bernacca ... no joking aside now the rain is the host .. so what better way to knead and bake a loaf ciabatta and fast croccantello? We heat home and fragrant with the smell of freshly baked bread .. stuff that are the envy of the bakers place ..
Just very little and I do when I 'can not dedicate myself to the long rise and the taste for lunch or dinner or when I feel like a stuffed sandwich.
Here is the post I dedicated to my first time with this same post pane.Nello Aurelia''the author''who gave me l'imput per avvicinarmi a questo tipo di preparazione.
500 gr di farina oo( io ho usato tutta semola)370 ml circa di acqua tiepida,mezzo cubetto di lievito di birra fresco,sale(quasi 2 cucchiaini)1 cuchiaino di miele o malto(io ho usato miele)
In una ciotolina mettete a sciogliere il lievito con il miele e un po d'acqua.A parte in un altra ciotola aggiungiamo alla farina il lievito sciolto ,l'altra acqua e mescoliamo il tutto con una forchetta,otterrete un impasto morbido ,colloso e non affatto liscio.Cospargete tutta la superfice dell'impasto con abbondante farina e chiudete con la pellicola o in un contenitore ermetico.Lasciate rest in a warm place for a couple of hours.
Important the oven is turned on at the highest temperature (250 °) at least half an hour before baking.
Trascoso time to rest and resume the mixture being careful not to put it upside down on a board if you want to divide it into small loaves or directly on a baking tray covered with baking paper as I did to be in the form of a loaf off .. and flattened (we call strip!)
Bake for 40 minutes at least, should be golden but dry.
Here ready and looking crisp. This

I've stuffed with what I was in the house, melted cheese, the first salt pistachios, salami, onion, a few pieces of cream cheese.

now to warm in the oven and allow cheese to melt and become creamy and well before serving I added arugula ..

This is the final result.
We fed well.
Have a good day and the next mess ... kisses!


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